本文选题:班轮 切入点:运输 出处:《西南政法大学》2003年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 管货义务是海上货物运输中承运人的一项主要义务,自1893年《哈特法》颁布以来,这一义务就强制的,不可转移的加诸于承运人。但这一义务在实践中和学术上一直不受重视,国际公约和各国的国内法又通常以非常简洁的语言来规定这一义务,因此在实际运用中常常产生许多分歧和错误。本文拟对这一义务进行详细的分析和论证,试图阐明以下几个方面的问题:1、承运人管货义务所要求的“妥善和谨慎”的标准与公共承运人、托管人管货义务的标准的区别,与承运人适航义务的标准“克尽职责”的区别;2、结合有关案例和航运实务,分析该条文字面所表述的管货义务的各个环节在实际运用中的相关问题;3、从法理的角度分析违反管货义务所应承担的责任的性质;4、介绍正在制订的《海上货物运输法》(草案)中关于承运人管货义务的规定,并提出自己的意见。 根据上述写作目的,,文章分为四个部分。第一部分是承运人管货义务的标准。这一部分首先结合案例和判词解释“妥善和谨慎”这一标准的含义,然后再将其与公共承运人的管货义务、托管人的管货义务和承运人适航义务的标准逐一进行比较,试图在比较中分清差别,进一步明确含义。第二部分具体介绍了承运人管货义务的内容。《海牙规则》和《维斯比规则》在条文中将管货义务具体为七个环节,虽然从字面上看来内容很清楚,但实际上每个环节在具体实践中都有很多问题需要从法律上来规范。例如装载开始的时间,积载与船舶适航的关系,运输、保管、照料义务各自包含的内容,交付的确切含义等等。文章这一部分就是结合有关案例和航运实务,对一系列具体问题进行分析,介绍实践中的做法,建议法律应进行的规制。第三部分是从法理上对承运人违反管货义务的责任进行定性分析,包括这一责任的发展演变过程,责任的性质,责任期间。通过这部分的论述,从理论上对这一责任进行界定,展现承运人责任由轻到重的发展趋势,分析不同责任期间规定的利弊。第四部分是对正在制订中的《海上货物运输法》草案进行介绍,并对其中的内容提出自己的看法和意见。这部世界各国普遍关注的公约应该说代表了对海上货物运输领域各种问题的最新、最权威的各种观点,对于我国《海商法》的修改和各种理论问题的研究有很好的参考、借鉴作用,值得我们认真的研究、学习。同时,作为一个海运大国,海上运输的国际公约对各利益方权利义务的划分也直接影响着我 国海运业的发展。因此,结合本文主题,笔者对该草案关于承运人管货义 务的问题进行了全面的解释和分析,并对当中一些争议的问题提出了自己 的观点和看法。 本文在写作上主要有以下几方面的特点。首先,笔者在写作过程中查 阅了大量的判例,特别是英美国家的判例,并引入了许多法官的经典判词。 这些判例和判词是英美国家几百年海运和审判实践的积累和沉淀,是经验 与智慧的结晶,对我国海商法领域的理论研究、分析和实践运用都有重要 的意义。其次,对文章的第四部分,即正在制订中的《海上货物运输法》 草案,笔者在写作过程中查阅了大量的英文原文资料,其中大部分是2 002 年的最新资料。这些资料代表了国际海商法理论与实务界的最新、最权威 的观点,有利于我国了解世界各国海商法发展的状况,对我国《海商法》 的修订也有重要的借鉴作用。在综合资料内容的基础上,笔者还对草案的 内容提出了自己的见解和看法。这些观点虽不甚成熟,但代表了笔者在海 商法学习中的一些心得体会。 海商法是一个古老的法律学科,其产生至今已有几百年的历史,而中 国的《海商法》颁布至今只有短短10年的时间,虽然其间几代海商法学者 和法律工作者付出了大量辛勤的劳动,力求使其既符合中国国情又能与国 际接轨,但与英美国家几百年的法律沉淀相比,我们的立法和实践都还有 很多不足之处。随着中国加入wTO,国际贸易量将会极大的增长,海上运输 作为国际贸易的主要工具也将随之发展,这对我国海商法的立法和实践是 一次挑战。笔者自知水平有限,无力提出鸿畴大略,只能以此浅薄文章, 谨作为七年法律学习的一次总结和向各位恩师的学业汇报。
[Abstract]:Obligation is a main obligation of the carrier in the carriage of goods by sea, since 1893 the "Hart law" promulgated, this obligation is mandatory, non transferable imposed on the carrier. But this obligation in the practice and academic has been neglected, international conventions and domestic laws and usually in a very concise language to the provisions of this obligation, so in actual use are many divergences and errors. This paper on this obligation are analyzed and proved in detail, trying to clarify the following issues: 1, the obligation required "properly and carefully" standard and common carrier the difference between the standard trustee obligation, and the difference between the carrier seaworthy standard "duty"; 2, based on the case studies and analysis of the shipping practice, expressing this text face obligation in all aspects Related problems in practical application; 3, from the perspective of jurisprudence, we should analyze the nature of responsibilities to be violated, and 4, introduce the provisions of the "law of carriage of goods by sea" (Draft), which are being formulated, and put forward our own opinions.
According to the purpose of the article is divided into four parts. The first part is the standard of the obligation. This part of the first case and decisions to explain "properly and carefully" the meaning of this standard, then the tube goods and public obligation of the carrier, the carrier and obligation of the trustee seaworthiness obligation standard one by one, trying to distinguish the difference in the comparison, further clarify the meaning. The second part describes the content of the obligation. The Hague rules "and" Weiss rules in obligation provisions will be specified as seven links, although literally it clearly, but in fact each link in in practice there are many problems need to be legally standardized. Such as loading start time, stowage and seaworthy transportation, storage, take care of each obligation of content delivery The exact meaning and so on. This part of the article is based on the case studies and shipping practice, a series of specific problems were analyzed, introduced the practice, legal regulation proposals should be carried out. The third part is the qualitative analysis of the carrier in violation of obligation responsibility from the legal theory, the development process including the responsibility. The nature of liability, responsibility period. Through this part, the definition of the liability in theory, show the development trend of the carrier's liability from light to heavy, analysis of advantages and disadvantages of different regulations responsibility period. The fourth part is the working in the carriage of goods by sea < > draft are introduced, and put forward their own views and opinions on the contents of the Convention. The attention of all countries in the world should be said to represent the various problems in the field of maritime transport of goods of the latest ideas, the most authoritative, for me The revision of the "maritime law" and the study of all kinds of theoretical problems have a good reference and reference function. It is worth our careful study and learning. At the same time, as a large shipping country, the international conventions of maritime transportation will directly affect the division of rights and obligations of all stakeholders.
The development of the shipping industry in China, therefore, in combination with the theme of this article, the author of the draft is about the meaning of the carrier.
The problem of affairs has been explained and analyzed comprehensively, and some of the controversial issues are put forward.
Views and views.
The author's writing is mainly characterized by the following aspects. First, I look up in the process of writing.
Read a lot of cases, especially the cases of British and American, and introduced many famous decisions.
These cases and decisions is the accumulation and precipitation of Anglo American countries for hundreds of years in shipping and judicial practice and experience
The crystallization of wisdom is important to theoretical research, analysis and practice in the field of maritime law in China.
Secondly, the fourth part of the article, that is, the law of carriage of goods by sea, is being formulated.
In the course of writing, the author has consulted a large number of English texts, most of which are 2002.
These data represent the latest and most authoritative sources of international maritime law theory and practice.
The point of view is conducive to our understanding of the state of the development of maritime law in all countries of the world, and the maritime law of China.
On the basis of the content of the comprehensive data, the author also has the draft.
The contents put forward their views and views. Although these views are not very mature, they represent the author in the sea.
Some experience in the study of business law.
The maritime law is an ancient law discipline, which has been produced for hundreds of years and has been in the middle of the world.
It is only 10 years since the promulgation of the maritime law of the state, although several generations of maritime law scholars
And the legal workers have paid a lot of hard work to make it fit both China's national conditions and country.
As compared with the centuries of legal precipitation in Britain and the United States, our legislation and practice are still available.
Many inadequacies. As China joins the wTO, the volume of international trade will increase greatly, maritime transport
As the main tool of international trade, it will also develop, which is the legislation and practice of the maritime law of China.
A challenge. I have a limited knowledge of self - knowledge and can not put forward a grand strategy.
As a summary of the seven year legal study and the academic report to your teachers.
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