本文选题:承运人 切入点:责任 出处:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:海洋对于人类有着重要的意义。它不仅是生命的摇篮,为人类的生存与可持续发展提供着宝贵的资源,而且还将世界大多数国家和地区连接了起来。从远古时代起,海上运输就促进了贸易和远行,使人类的文化通过货物的交换和思想的交流变的更加丰富和多样化。即使是在科学技术日益发达的当今时代,海上运输这种古老的方式仍然是国际货物运输最重要的方式之一。在国际海上货物运输的实践中,承运人一直发挥着关键性的作用。由于承运人责任制度关系着承运人的权利和义务,所以目前关于国际海上货物运输的各大公约都重点围绕海运承运人责任制度而展开。纵观承运人责任制度发展的历程,可以发现承运人责任制度的沿革最终向法定化和统一化的方向发展。 本篇论文对于国际海运承运人责任制度沿革的分析主要分为五个部分。第一部分是引言,主要介绍了国际海运的重要作用,并且对承运人责任制度的研究现状进行了简要阐述。第二部分是对承运人责任制度的概念分析,并对本文中分析的三大主要问题进行了定义上的界定。第三部分介绍了承运人责任制度的起源。主要从三个方面进行了脉络上的梳理,并且着重关注承运人责任制度朝着统一化发展的原因。第四部分是列出了国际海运承运人责任制度法定化的重要表现,即四大国际海运公约。该部分运用了价值分析法及利益衡量分析法,着重从法学理论角度分析了每一项公约对承运人责任制度相关问题规定背景和原因,并对每个公约在承运人责任制度法定化的进程中作用进行了探讨。第五部分是结语,主要通过再次强调在经济全球化背景的影响下国际海运承运人责任制度的统一化发展趋势,提出为适应这种趋势我国有必要对《海商法》进行审视。
[Abstract]:The ocean is of great significance to mankind. It is not only the cradle of life, providing valuable resources for the survival and sustainable development of mankind, but also connecting most countries and regions of the world. Maritime transport facilitates trade and travel, enriching and diversifying the culture of mankind through the exchange of goods and ideas, even in an era of increasingly advanced science and technology, The ancient mode of carriage by sea is still one of the most important modes of international carriage of goods. In the practice of international carriage of goods by sea, The carrier has always played a key role. Since the carrier's liability system relates to the carrier's rights and obligations, Therefore, at present, the major conventions on the international carriage of goods by sea focus on the maritime carrier liability system. Throughout the course of the development of the carrier liability system, It can be found that the evolution of carrier liability system finally develops towards the direction of legalization and unification. The analysis of the evolution of international maritime carrier liability system is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the important role of international shipping. The second part is the analysis of the concept of carrier liability system. The third part introduces the origin of carrier liability system. And focus on the reasons why the carrier liability system is developing towards unification. Part 4th lists the important manifestation of the legalization of the liability system of international maritime carriers. That is, four major international maritime transport conventions. This part uses the value analysis method and the interest measurement analysis method, focusing on analyzing the background and reasons of each convention on the carrier liability system from the perspective of legal theory. This paper also discusses the role of each convention in the process of legalizing the carrier's liability system. Part 5th is the conclusion, mainly by emphasizing the unified development trend of the liability system of international maritime carriers under the influence of economic globalization. In order to adapt to this trend, it is necessary to examine Maritime Law in China.
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