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发布时间:2018-03-14 13:00

  本文选题:建立 切入点:完善 出处:《山东大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 本文以2007年度山东省高院“多元化纠纷解决机制”重点课题中标为契机,深入高密市基层矛盾多发频发领域,采取司法统计、实地考察、案例剖析、座谈研讨等方式,就基层矛盾形态、纠纷化解现状、主要弊端表现、制度设计思路、法院功能定位、机制操作模式等问题,进行深入调研探讨。同时,对高密法院整合社会资源、实施联动机制予以综合疏理和实证剖析,冀使高密联动机制在课题调研中发挥应有的标本价值。全文共分四个部分:社会纠纷及化解机制之基层现状、多元纠纷解决机制之理论基础、多元纠纷解决机制之路径设计、高密法院联动机制之实证剖析。 论文的第一部分为社会纠纷及化解机制之基层现状。对基层社会矛盾进行简要疏理,同时对纠纷化解资源现状进行了分析。第二部分是多元纠纷解决机制之理论基础。着重分析了国内外ADR经验借鉴以及我国多元机制的理论基础。第三部分是多元纠纷解决机制的路径设计。通过从指导理念、制度框架、运行原则、实务模式等四个方面进行分析,探讨了多元纠纷解决机制的创制。第四部分是对高密法院联动机制进行实证剖析。从改革动因、主要做法、基本效果、综合评析四个方面进行深入探讨 在余论中,作者则提出“充分调动起社会各界力量参与,必能使社会纠纷解决机制不断臻于完善,必将有益于公正、高效、权威的司法制度建设,为和谐社会提供强大而有力的机制保障”的建议。 因处于基层现实考虑,本课题调研主要聚焦于基层民商事纠纷领域,对灾害型、事故型等突发应急性事件,行政争议、刑事争议等性质转化案件,政治领域、国家安全等特殊类型纠纷基本不予涉及。 本文是作者对三年攻读硕士学位期间所学民商法理论和十余年司法实践的系统总结。是在吸收和借鉴广大前辈、诸多学者研究成果的基础上进行的尝试性研究,以期对我国多元化纠纷解决机制的立法和司法有所裨益。
[Abstract]:Based on the opportunity of winning the bid in 2007, Shandong Provincial High Court's "pluralistic dispute resolution mechanism", this paper goes deep into the frequently occurring field of conflicts at the grass-roots level in Gaomi City, and adopts judicial statistics, on-the-spot investigation, case analysis, discussion and discussion, etc. On the basis of the basic level contradiction form, the present situation of dispute resolution, the main malpractice manifestation, the system design thought, the court function localization, the mechanism operation pattern and so on, carries on the thorough investigation and discussion. At the same time, integrates the social resources to the high secret court, The implementation of the linkage mechanism will be comprehensive and empirical analysis, in order to make the high-density linkage mechanism play its due specimen value in the subject investigation. The full text is divided into four parts: the current situation of social disputes and resolution mechanism at the grass-roots level, The theoretical basis of the multiple dispute resolution mechanism, the path design of the multiple dispute resolution mechanism, and the empirical analysis of the linkage mechanism of the high secret court. The first part of the paper is about the current situation of social disputes and the mechanism of resolving them. At the same time, the present situation of dispute resolution resources is analyzed. The second part is the theoretical basis of multiple dispute resolution mechanism. The emphasis is on the ADR experience at home and abroad as well as the theoretical basis of our country's pluralistic mechanism. The third part is pluralistic. Path design of dispute resolution mechanism. The system framework, operation principle, practical model and so on are analyzed, and the creation of multiple dispute resolution mechanism is discussed. Part 4th is an empirical analysis of the linkage mechanism of high secret court. Comprehensive Analysis and further discussion in four aspects. In the conclusion, the author puts forward that "the full mobilization of social forces from all walks of life will make the social dispute resolution mechanism perfect and be beneficial to the construction of a just, efficient and authoritative judicial system." For a harmonious society to provide a strong and powerful mechanism to protect "the proposal." Because of the reality at the grass-roots level, this topic is mainly focused on the field of civil and commercial disputes at the grass-roots level. It has transformed the nature of disaster type, accident type, administrative dispute, criminal dispute and so on into a case, political field, etc. National security and other special types of disputes are basically not involved. This paper is a systematic summary of the civil and commercial law theory and judicial practice learned during the three years of studying for a master's degree. It is a tentative study on the basis of absorbing and drawing on the research achievements of many scholars and predecessors. The aim is to benefit the legislation and judicature of the pluralistic dispute settlement mechanism in our country.


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