本文选题:再保险 + 责任保险 ; 参考:《上海海事大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 本文立足于我国《保险法》、《海商法》、《再保险业务管理规定》等法律、法规,结合英美等再保险发达国家有关再保险合同的法律和判例,探讨了再保险合同中的若干法律问题,主要包括:再保险的涵义、功能及法律地位;再保险合同的特征及种类;再保险合同的效力、性质及其与原保险合同的关系;再保险合同的适用原则等。其中,重点研究了再保险合同的性质,再保险合同与原保险合同的关系以及三大保险原则在再保险合同中的适用问题。 全文分为五章。 第一章,在介绍再保险的涵义、功能及法律地位的基础之上,分析了再保险合同的特征、种类以及再保险合同的适用原则问题。提出了本文需要重点解决的几个问题:再保险合同的效力、性质问题;保险利益原则在再保险中的适用问题;损害补偿原则在再保险中的适用问题以及最大诚信原则在再保险中的适用问题。 第二章,,首先探讨再保险合同的效力问题,其次研究了关于再保险合同性质的主要学说,得出再保险合同为一种特殊的责任保险合同的结论。最后,分析了再保险合同与原保险合同之间的关系,明确他们之间的独立性与从属性关系。本章一方面理清了再保险合同当事人之间的权利义务关系;另一方面通过对再保险合同性质以及其与原保险合同之间关系的研究,为下文有关问题的研究打下了基础。 第三章,研究了保险利益原则及损害补偿原则在再保险合同中的适用问题。关于保险利益原则,具体讨论了原保险人的保险利益、再保险中保险利益的存在时点及再保险前卫业务中的保险利益三个问题。关于损害补偿原则,具体讨论了再保险人的代位求偿权及原保险人的直接请求权两个问题。 第四章,研究了最大诚信原则在再保险合同中的适用问题。具体从两个方面着手:一是,在再保险合同的缔结阶段,原保险人的如实告知义务;二是,在再保险合同的理赔阶段,再保险人与原保险人承担共同命运的义务。 第五章,对上述有关问题作出了概括性的总结。 本文旨在对再保险合同中的若干基本问题进行较为深入、系统的研究,以期对法律工作者或实务工作者有所帮助。
[Abstract]:Based on the laws and regulations of China's Insurance Law, Maritime Law and Reinsurance Business Management regulations, and combining with the laws and precedents of reinsurance contracts in developed countries such as the United States and the United States, this paper probes into some legal problems in reinsurance contracts.It mainly includes: the meaning, function and legal status of reinsurance, the characteristics and types of reinsurance contract, the validity, nature of reinsurance contract and its relationship with the original insurance contract, the applicable principles of reinsurance contract, etc.Among them, the nature of reinsurance contract, the relationship between reinsurance contract and original insurance contract, and the application of three major insurance principles in reinsurance contract are studied.The full text is divided into five chapters.The first chapter, on the basis of introducing the meaning, function and legal status of reinsurance, analyzes the characteristics, types and applicable principles of reinsurance contracts.This paper puts forward several problems that need to be solved in this paper: the validity and nature of reinsurance contract, the application of the principle of insurance interest in reinsurance;The application of the principle of damage compensation in reinsurance and the application of the principle of maximum good faith in reinsurance.In the second chapter, the validity of reinsurance contract is discussed, and the main theories about the nature of reinsurance contract are studied, and the conclusion that reinsurance contract is a special liability insurance contract is concluded.Finally, the relationship between reinsurance contract and original insurance contract is analyzed.On the one hand, this chapter clarifies the relationship between the rights and obligations of the reinsurance contract parties; on the other hand, through the study of the nature of the reinsurance contract and the relationship between the reinsurance contract and the original insurance contract, it lays a foundation for the research of the following issues.Chapter three studies the application of the principle of insurance interest and the principle of compensation for damages in reinsurance contracts.With regard to the principle of insurance interest, this paper discusses in detail the insurance interests of the original insurer, the existence of insurance interests in reinsurance and the insurance interests in the business of reinsurance avant-garde.On the principle of compensation for damages, the subrogation right of reinsurer and the direct claim of original insurer are discussed in detail.Chapter four studies the application of the principle of maximum good faith in reinsurance contracts.The concrete from two aspects: first, in the reinsurance contract conclusion stage, the original insurer's truthful inform obligation; second, in the reinsurance contract settlement stage, the reinsurer and the original insurer bear the common destiny obligation.Chapter V, the above-mentioned related issues made a general summary.The purpose of this paper is to make a deep and systematic study of some basic problems in reinsurance contracts in order to be helpful to legal workers or practitioners.
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