本文选题:租约提单 + 租约提单的签发 ; 参考:《上海海运学院》2002年硕士论文
【摘要】: 综观现代航运业主要的法律与实务,可以看出,有关的纠纷主要集中于以下三个方面:一、租约的签定及履行产生的纠纷;二、与提单有关的纠纷;三、针对船舶、货物的灭失损坏的保险索赔纠纷。纠纷之多,反映了有关问题的复杂性、重要性。租船运输下签发租约提单会更使问题复杂化,常常是使租约问题与提单问题绞织在一起。国内外学者对这一问题的研究并不多见,本文就是针对租约提单有关的法律问题作一些尝试性研究,以期达到抛砖引玉的效果。 租约提单的内容可以从很多方面去研究,对于提单的研究不论在理论方面还是在实务方面,可以说是林林总总。本文无意从纯理论角度赘述,而是试图从实务的角度作一点理论性探讨:一、关于租约提单的签发,提单的签发是货物进入运输中的初始关键环节,采用那种格式提单、谁签发提单关系到当事人的权利、义务、责任问题;二、关于租约提单的功能,租约提单持有人的身份不同而具有不同的功能;三、关于并入条款,并入条款可以说是决定多大程度上能将租约条款并入到提单中,享受租约条款的保护;四、关于承运人识别,租船运输下承运人的识别非常复杂,也很重要,本文对承运人识别方法作了一些比较性研究;五、关于滞期费问题,探讨装卸港滞期费的产生及如何计算分配、针对滞期费船东的诉权、租约和租约提单规定的滞期费的责任方。 总的研究方法是研习英美有关的判例及我国海事案例。针对有关的主题,收集在这方面的判例做法,作一些理论性的总结。在具体的章节中,应用分析综合法、分类比较法。 并入条款可以说是租约提单的核心条款,总的来看,各国都认可将与运输有关的租约条款并入提单,但对并入租约仲裁条款有争议,本人还是以为,只要提单并入条款明确将租约仲裁条款并入,就应认可其效力。至于租约条款与提单条款冲突时效力优先问题,如果提单明示租约条款优先,应适用租约条款,否则应适用提单条款,,这应是出于对无辜的货方的保护。对于承运人的识别,美国的“实际可行的方法”虽是出于对货方利益的保护,但针对短时效也不失为一可行的方法。《海商法》中“承运人和实际承运人”的规定,很大程度上解决了承运人识 租约提单法律研究 别的困难,它适应了航运实务的要求,顺应国际上的趋势,它使货主对其诉讼更 加方便,因此受到普遍欢迎和广泛赞誉。 围绕着租约提单进行有关的论述,作者试图对租约提单做一系统的探讨,为 我国建立与完善提单法律制度作出理论上的探讨与构想,同时希望与司法实践的 同行们加强交流与构通,共同为我国海商法制的发展尽一份力量。
[Abstract]:In view of the main law and practice of the modern shipping industry, it can be seen that the related disputes are mainly concentrated in the following three aspects: first, the signing of the lease and the disputes arising from the performance; two, the disputes related to the bill of lading; three, the dispute over the insurance claim for the loss and damage to the ship and the goods. The number of disputes reflects the complexity of the related problems. It is more complicated to issue the lease bill of lading under charter transportation. It often makes the problem of lease and bill of lading woven together. Scholars at home and abroad do not have much research on this issue. This article is a tentative study of the legal issues related to the lease bill of lading, in order to achieve the effect of throwing a brick on the bill.
The contents of the bill of lading can be studied in many respects, and the research on the bill of lading, both in theory and practice, can be said to be general. This article does not intend to make a theoretical discussion from a purely theoretical point of view, but attempts to make a theoretical discussion from the practical point of view: first, on the issuance of a bill of lading, the issuance of a bill of lading is the entry of goods. The initial key link in transportation, using the form of bill of lading, who issues the bill of lading related to the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the parties; two, on the function of the lease bill of lading, the identity of the holder of the lease bill of lading has different functions; three, on the incorporation clause, the incorporation clause can be said to the extent to which the lease can be made. The payment is incorporated into the bill of lading to enjoy the protection of the terms of the lease. Four, the identification of the carrier, the identification of the carrier under the charter transportation is very complex and very important. This paper makes a comparative study of the carrier identification method; five, on the demurrage problem, the generation of the stagnation fee and the calculation and distribution of the loading and unloading port, for the demurrage shipowner Litigious right, the tenant of the lease and the leases stipulated in the bill of lading.
The general method is to study the jurisprudence of Britain and America and the case of maritime affairs in our country. In view of the relevant topics, we collect the case practice in this respect and make some theoretical summaries. In the specific chapters, the analytical synthesis method and the classification comparison method are applied.
The entry clause can be said to be the core clause of the lease bill of lading. In general, all countries agree to incorporate the Charter clause into the bill of lading, but to the dispute on the arbitration clause of the lease, I still think that the validity of the lease clause and the bill of lading clause should be recognized as long as the bill of lading is incorporated into the clause. If a bill of lading gives priority to the validity of a bill of lading, a lease clause should be applied if the terms of the lease shall be preceded by the bill of lading, otherwise the clause of the bill of lading should be applied to the protection of the innocent party. For the carrier, the "practical method" in the United States is for the protection of the cargo benefit, but it is also feasible for short time limitation. The provisions of the "carrier and actual carrier" in the maritime law have largely solved the carrier's perception.
The Study of Charterparty Bill
Other difficulties, which adapt to the requirements of shipping practice and conform to the international trend, make the shippers more interested in their litigation.
It is widely welcomed and widely praised for its convenience.
Based on the discussion of the charter party bill of lading, the author tries to make a systematic discussion on the lease bill of lading.
Our country establishes and consummate the bill of lading legal system to make the theoretical discussion and the conception, simultaneously hopes and the judicial practice.
The colleagues strengthened communication and coordination, and jointly contributed to the development of China's maritime legal system.
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