发布时间:2018-04-21 18:15
本文选题:法现代化 + 保险契约 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2012年博士论文
【摘要】:本文以“法现代化视野下保险人契约责任问题研究”为题,关注的是在保险交易双方履约能力不对等、信息不对称条件下,保险人契约责任建构所面临的经济伦理和法律规范选择问题。 法现代化不单是法律制度的现代化,同时还应是法律文化的现代化。中国民商事法的现代化不单是一种法典化运动,同时还应是法的人本化、科学化进程。因之,法现代化的重要价值目标在于私权自治,在于对缔约主体人身权和财产权的有力保护。契约制度是在个人权利保护、自由主义盛行的历史背景下出现的,契约自由原则在完成“由身份到契约”的社会变迁中得到极度的彰显,“契约必须遵守”的理念深入人心,无论是过错还是无过错,对于承担契约责任的自然人和法人来说都是一样的结果。二十一世纪是法学理论向人文化、社会化转型的时期,社会价值至上的法律对整体利益的保护多于对自然人和法人的保护,在这样的现实中,保险业究竟可以提供多少保障,能否给予被保险人的契约权益以有效保护,都有赖于保险人契权责任法律制度的引入。 市场竞争环境下,由于保险交易的分离性和基础交易直接参与程度的不同,特R%是保险服务逐渐发展为提供保险产品和保险服务并行,被保险人的权益实现的诉求也相应提高,这就需要保险人更加独立地承担社会责任和发生的交易风险。保险人与投保人之间缔约地位不对等,保险人和保险产品消费者之间不能建立稳定的信赖关系,未能形成稳定交易双方利益的有效安排。保险仅仅是诸多风险管理工具中的一种,保险是出于降低风险的需要而对自身利益进行合理配置的一种制度安排,是不确定风险因素联系下的人、利益、财产的有机结合,这也构成了保险交易行为的普遍要件。在一定意义上讲,保险经济的运行具有以信用关系为基本特征和前提的特殊性,而保险经济的伦理性,决定了保险经济行为必须承担经济效益与社会效益的双重责任。我国经济转轨、市场开放、社会转型,市场经济体制机制和法律体系建设还处在发展完善过程中,保险人常常忽视被保险人权益,侵犯被保险人正当权益行为屡有发生。顺此逻辑,实现保险业的健康可持续发展,保险人契约责任问题尤应值得研究和关注。 法律规范的本质是强制性的应然规范。保险交易双方当事人之间产生了一种不同于一般的法律权利和义务关系,这种地位区别来自他们不对应的谈判能力,并要求占有优势的保险人能够按照最大诚实的原则来承担对被保险人的义务。所以,在此背景下研究保险人契约责任问题,无论对于保险人、被保险人还是保险业整体的可持续发展都有着重要的现实意义。本文研究的目的就在于,,通过把法现代化背景下的保险人履行契约责任作为分析研究的对象,通过运用现代民商法理论和契约经济学、制度金融学等相关分析方法,分析契约伦理、保险企业伦理和法律规制对保险人履行契约责任的影响,并对如何通过路径选择和理念更新,实现保险人契约责任意识的重构,提出相应的决策选择。论文的主要部分和章节构成如下: 第一章是对保险人契约责任问题既有的文献进行较为系统的整理。针对保险合约和保险契约责任两个层面的相关研究,介绍了多种学理观点、相比之前研究的意义和局限。国内外民商法、保险法学界就契约问题的研究林林总总,但从跨学科角度研究保险人契约责任问题,建树不多。 第二章以“法现代化视野下的保险功能:问题的提出”为题,是对保险业、保险契约的功能问题的初步导入,由此引出全文研究的主旨。本章从行业观察和实证角度,分析了法现代化条件下中国保险业发展问题,并从缔约信息对称性、交易成本分析、风险偏好性分析诸方面对保险就保险契约的理论和实践基础进行了法经济学的介绍。法现代化的重要价值目标在于私权自治,在于对缔约主体人身权和财产权的有力保护。在我国法律文化发展史上,一直存在自然人权利保护的缺位,在一定程度上抑制了私权自治精神的发挥,因此,把私权自治作为民商事法律现代化的价值目标具有一定的必然性。 第三章以“法现代化视野下的保险人契约责任问题”为题,是对法现代化视野下的保险人契约责任进行系统阐释,其间涉及契约自由与经济理性、当事人绝对权利保护对契约责任的冲击、信赖利益作为契约责任的伦理基础等命题。权利义务均衡模式是法律理论体系和法律运作过程的核心准则,研究契约法理论的现代意义、保险契约的价值取向、保险人契约责任的法哲学基础等问题,进而推导出市场经济下保险契约履行的伦理学基础、保险契约的社会化与保险人契约责任的权利构成等命题,在实证基础上围绕不同范畴展开。 第四章以“保险人契约责任与侵权责任的冲突与融合”为题,是对保险人契约责任与侵权责任的冲突与融合进行论述。随着社会经济的发展,保险不仅仅是一种经济补偿和社会再分配的手段,逐渐转向以人的生存、发展和提高为中心目的,强化了保险的保障功能,这种演化趋势保险本质向保险本质、经济本质与社会本质并重转化,而包含了合同要义的侵权责任主张,则进一步丰富了传统的民事责任学说,这为从契约责任与侵权责任融合角度分析保险人责任提供了理据支撑。在民法现代化、侵权责任法进路转型的时代背景下,保险人契约责任的有效承担在一定意义上有赖于侵权责任法的变革。 第五章以“保险人契约责任与法律风险管理”为题,是对保险人契约责任与法律风险管理进行论述。市场化的社会条件下,保险业的风险状况日益复杂,除了传统的信用风险和市场风险外,法律风险在风险组合中的地位不断上升,对其风险总量的影响也越来越大。保险利益与被保险人权利保护具有内在的关联,由此推导出保险人承担的契约责任法律义务,以及被保险人权益实现的制度安排。 第六章以“保险人契约责任的法律规制”为题,提出保险人契约责任的法律规制这一应然性命题,从比较法角度进行系统展开。保险产品具有准公共产品的特征,不仅应按市场经济理论来发展或经营商业保险业务,同时应借助公共政策和法律规制来推动保险业的发展。据此,本章对保险人契约责任立法的价值取向、功能和作用,以及法律渊源问题进行了深刻解析。 第七章以“保险人契约责任的重构”为题,是基于以上研究的过程及结果,对保险人契约责任的法治化建构的路径选择。市场环境的复杂化决定了法律需求总是受到社会经济条件和法律供给水平的影响,良好的契约法治关系应该通过矫正保险人和被保险人权利义务的不合理配置,使外部效应“内部化”,以降低保险履约成本和社会成本,并且维护保险业生态稳定,这都需要从法律上建构保险人的契约责任,从责任意识培育、法律环境约束、监管现代化等诸多方面对提高保险人履行契约责任能力提出对策。 本文研究的贡献主要体现在跨学科视角的观察:第一,首度从法经济学、民商法学、保险学等不同角度对保险人契约责任制度构建的现实动因和理论基础,以及保险人契约责任的法律渊源和法律构成等问题进行系统论证;第二,首度提出对保险人契约责任法律制度进行整体构建的设想,形成保险人契约责任风险的法律规制,保险人契约责任意识和契约伦理的培育;第三,因应保险业跨越式发展与保险人契约责任意识与制度不相适应的现状,在保险人契约责任法律制度构建路径方面进行适度创新性设计。
[Abstract]:This paper, based on the "study on the liability of Insurers under the perspective of legal modernization", focuses on the problem of economic ethics and legal norms in the construction of the insurer's contractual liability under the condition of asymmetric information between the two parties.
The modernization of the law is not only the modernization of the legal system, but also the modernization of the legal culture. The modernization of the civil and commercial law of China is not only a kind of codification movement, but also the humanized and scientific process of the law. For it, the important value goal of the modernization of law lies in the autonomy of private rights and the right to the personal and property rights of the parties to the parties. Strong protection. The contract system appears in the historical background of the protection of individual rights and the prevalence of liberalism. The principle of freedom of contract has been extremely highlighted in the social change from "identity to contract". The concept of "contract must be observed" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, whether it is wrong or no fault, and the nature of the contract responsibility. People and legal persons are the same results. Twenty-first Century is the period of law theory to human culture and social transformation. The protection of the whole interest is more than the protection of natural people and legal persons. In this reality, how many guarantees can the insurance industry provide and the contractual rights and interests of the insured? Effective protection depends on the introduction of the legal system of the insurer's right of title.
In the market competition environment, due to the separability of insurance transactions and the different degree of direct participation in the basic transaction, special R% is the gradual development of insurance services to provide insurance products and insurance services in parallel, and the demands of the insurers' rights and interests are also improved accordingly. This requires the insurer to undertake the social responsibility and the transaction wind more independently. Insurance is not equal to the insurer and the insured, the insurer and the insurance product consumers can not establish a stable trust relationship and fail to form an effective arrangement to stabilize the interests of the two parties. Insurance is only one of the many risk management tools, and the insurance is a reasonable match for its own interests for the sake of lowering the risk. In a certain sense, the operation of the insurance economy has the characteristics of the basic characteristics and preconditions of the credit relationship, and the ethical nature of the insurance economy determines the insurance economic behavior. We must bear the dual responsibility of economic and social benefits. China's economic transition, market opening, social transformation, market economic system and legal system construction are still in the process of development and improvement, the insurers often neglect the rights and interests of the insured, and the insurant has repeatedly occurred in the rights and interests of the insured. The logic of this logic is to realize the health of the insurance industry. The sustainable development of Concord and the contractual liability of insurers should be worth studying and paying attention to.
The essence of the legal norm is the mandatory norm. The parties to the insurance trade produce a different legal right and obligation relationship between the two parties. This position difference comes from their ability to negotiate the wrong, and requires the insurer who has the advantage to bear the obligation to the insured in accordance with the principle of maximum honesty. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the liability of the insurer in this context, whether for the insurer, the insured or the sustainable development of the insurance industry. The purpose of this study is to make use of the modernity by applying the contractual liability of the insurer in the context of the modernization of the law as the object of the analysis and research. The theory of civil and commercial law, contract economics, institutional finance and other related analysis methods, analyze the influence of contract ethics, insurance enterprise ethics and legal regulation on the liability of the insurer to fulfill the contractual liability, and how to reconstruct the consciousness of the liability of the insurer through the path selection and the idea renewal, and put forward the corresponding decision choice. The main part of the thesis is the main part of the thesis. The chapters and chapters are made up as follows:
The first chapter is a systematic review of the existing documents of the insurer's contractual liability. In view of the two aspects of the insurance contract and the liability of the insurance contract, a variety of academic views are introduced and the significance and limitations of the previous study are compared. From the perspective of subject, it is not enough to study the contractual liability of insurers.
The second chapter, on the basis of "the insurance function under the perspective of legal modernization", is a preliminary introduction to the function of the insurance industry and the insurance contract, which leads to the main purpose of the full text study. This chapter analyzes the development of China's Insurance Industry under the conditions of the modernization of law and the symmetry of the contracting information from the perspective of industry observation and demonstration. Easy cost analysis and risk preference analysis are introduced in the theory and practice of insurance contract. The important value goal of the modernization of law lies in the autonomy of private rights, the strong protection of the personal rights and property rights of the contracting parties. In the history of the development of Chinese legal culture, there has been a natural person's rights and protection. The absence of protection, to some extent, restrained the exertion of the autonomy spirit of private rights. Therefore, it has certain inevitability to take the autonomy of private rights as the value goal of the modernization of civil and commercial law.
The third chapter, with the question of "the liability of the insurer under the perspective of legal modernization", is a systematic explanation of the contractual liability of the insurer under the view of the modernization of law, which involves the freedom of the contract and the economic rationality, the impact of the protection of the absolute rights of the parties on the contractual liability and the ethical basis of the trust and benefit as the basis for the contractual liability. The balance mode of obligation is the core criterion of the legal theory system and the process of law operation. It studies the modern significance of the theory of contract law, the value orientation of the insurance contract, the legal philosophy foundation of the liability of the insurer, and then derives the ethical basis of the performance of the insurance contract under the market economy, the socialization of the insurance contract and the contract of the insurer. On the basis of empirical research, the proposition of the right constitution of responsibility is launched around different categories.
The fourth chapter, on the topic of "the conflict and integration of the insurer's contractual liability and the tort liability", is a discussion of the conflict and integration of the insurer's contractual liability and the tort liability. With the development of the social economy, insurance is not only a means of economic compensation and social redistribution, but gradually turning to the survival, development and improvement of the people. It strengthens the guarantee function of insurance. The essence of this evolution trend is transformed into the essence of insurance, the essence of the economy and the social essence, and it contains the claim of tort liability for the essential meaning of the contract, which further enriches the traditional theory of civil liability, which provides the reason for the analysis of the liability of the insurer from the angle of the integration of the contractual liability and the right to empower the rights. Under the background of the era of the modernization of civil law and the transition of tort liability law, the effective undertaking of the liability of the insurer depends on the change of the tort liability law in a certain sense.
The fifth chapter, on the basis of the "insurer's contractual liability and the management of legal risk", is a discussion of the contractual liability of the insurer and the management of the legal risk. Under the market-oriented social conditions, the risk of the insurance industry is increasingly complex. In addition to the traditional credit risk and market risk, the status of the legal risk in the risk combination is rising constantly. The impact of the total risk is also increasing. The insurance interests and the protection of the insured have an inherent relationship, thus deriving the legal obligations of the insurer and the institutional arrangements for the realization of the rights and interests of the insured.
The sixth chapter, on the basis of "the legal regulation of the liability of the insurer's contractual liability", puts forward the legal regulation of the liability of the insurer, which is carried out systematically from the angle of comparative law. The insurance products have the characteristics of quasi public products, which should not only develop or operate commercial insurance according to the market economy theory, but also have the aid of public policy. And legal regulation to promote the development of the insurance industry. Accordingly, this chapter makes a profound analysis of the value orientation, function and function of the legislation of the insurer's contractual liability, as well as the origin of the law.
The seventh chapter, on the basis of "reconstructing the liability of the insurer's contract", is based on the process and results of the above research and the path choice for the legal construction of the liability of the insurer. The complexity of the market environment determines that the legal demand is always affected by the social and economic conditions and the level of the legal supply, and the good contract rule of law should be passed through To correct the unreasonable allocation of the rights and obligations of the insurer and the insured, make the external effect "internalized", to reduce the insurance performance cost and social cost, and to maintain the ecological stability of the insurance industry, which all need to construct the contractual liability of the insurer from the law, from the cultivation of responsibility consciousness, the legal environment restraint, the modernization of supervision and so on. To improve the insurers' ability to fulfill their contractual obligations.
The contribution of this study is mainly reflected in the observation of interdisciplinary perspective. First, the first, from the different angles of law and economics, civil and commercial law, insurance, and so on, the realistic motivation and theoretical foundation of the insurer's contract responsibility system construction, as well as the legal origin and legal constitution of the insurer's contractual liability are systematically demonstrated. Second, the first mention is made. The assumption of the overall construction of the legal system of the insurer's contractual liability is to form the legal regulation of the risk of the insurer's contractual liability, the consciousness of the insurer's contractual liability and the cultivation of the contract ethics; third, the law of the insurer's contractual liability is the present situation of the insurer's leap forward development and the insurer's contract responsibility consciousness and the system. The path of institutional improvement is designed with appropriate innovation.
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