发布时间:2018-04-22 05:35
本文选题:商会 + 涉外商事纠纷 ; 参考:《中国政法大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 清朝末年随着资本主义经济向中国的侵入,中国资产阶级力量的壮大,商人集团迫切的要求成立一种新的组织来保护商业活动。尤其是在与洋商“商战”失败后,政府官员以及社会的士绅知识分子都意识到建立一种官督商办的组织,以此来发展经济的重要性。商人的新式组织——商会因此而产生。《商部奏定商会简明章程》中写到“商会者,所以通商情、保商利,有联络而无倾轧,有信义而无诈虞。”1商会设立的目的在于联络各商业活动,保护商人的利益,为了更好的更切实际的保护商人及其商业活动,从商会建立开始清政府就赋予了商会对商事纠纷的裁判职能。就范围而言,商会对商事纠纷的裁判逐步由一国范围内扩展到国际经济贸易纠纷。晚清以前,中西之间贸易往来较少,中西商号之间的纠纷也不多,即使有少量纠纷,也主要由政府出面调停。鸦片战争以后,尤其是甲午海战后,中西之间贸易往来日益频繁,华洋商号之间的纠纷也随之增多。因此商会处理涉外商事纠纷的案件也逐渐增多。本文主要通过对商会档案中记载的案例的分析,对商会处理涉外商事纠纷这一职能进行研究。 全文分为四个部分,第一部分,商会的产生及其商事裁判权的确立。这一部分主要介绍了清末商会的产生背景及过程,商会商事裁判权的确立。其中还包含了洋商会在中国的设立这一内容,洋行的建立及增多,洋商会在中国的设立,由此引出了商会处理涉外商事纠纷这一职能。 第二部分,商会对涉外商事纠纷的司法参预。这一部分主要通过商会档案资料对商会处理涉外商事纠纷的案例做分类及总结,案例资料主要来源于天津商会档案汇编。1、商会处理的涉外商事纠纷的内容多样化,其中主要包括定货纠纷、欠款纠纷、免息加息纠纷、假冒商标案、商船相撞案等等。2、向商会提起商事纠纷诉讼的当事人是不同的,其中包括有华商诉洋商的,洋商诉华商的;由商行或商人直接提起的,或由地方分商会向总商会提起的;还有诉至审判厅后,审理未果,由审判厅交由商会处理的。3、从商会处理涉外商事纠纷的结果来看,有由商会直接调解或判决的,有的由商会转交审判厅、官府或外国领事馆处理的,还有一部分是最后不了了之,没有结果。4、商会处理的华商与洋行买办之间的商事纠纷。5、商会处理的涉外商事纠纷扩大化,不仅局限于商事纠纷,还出现了军队对商人财产的侵占,扣发华商工人工资案,甚至于刑事案件等。 第三部分,商会理结涉外商事纠纷的特殊形式。本部分是对商会处理涉外商事纠纷的两类特殊形式的单独介绍,一类是天津商会和日本商业会议所的《日清商事调停章程》,依据该章程来仲裁中日两国商人之间的商事纠纷;另一类是商会为司法机构做商事习惯解答,提供判决依据。这两种形式与本论文第三部分商会处理的各种商事纠纷有所不同,各具特色,体现了商会在涉外商事纠纷的裁判中所扮演的不同角色。之所以专门提出来论述是因为这些商事纠纷的解决模式,无论是对国内民间商事纠纷的解决,还是对民国中后期涉外商事纠纷的解决,都起到了一种示范和先导作用。 第四部分,商会参预涉外商事纠纷在民间的运作——对商会处理涉外商事纠纷的历史评介。这一部分是对社会处理涉外商事纠纷职能的总结。其中包括商会在理案中扮演的不同角色,对涉外商事纠纷的处理是一种司法“参预”;商会在处理涉外商事纠纷中与官方形成了积极的互动关系;商会维护了华商利益,增加了华商参与经济发展的积极性;商会对涉外商事纠纷的司法参预刺激了清末民初的商事立法;商会能够在清末政府对西方法律移植中起到积极的帮助作用。
[Abstract]:In the end of Qing Dynasty , with the invasion of the capitalist economy to China , the strength of the Chinese bourgeoisie grew , and the merchant group urgently demanded the establishment of a new organization to protect commercial activities .
The whole text is divided into four parts , the first part , the creation of the chamber of commerce and the establishment of its commercial discretion . This part mainly introduces the background and process of the Chamber of Commerce of the Qing Dynasty and the establishment of the commercial discretion of the Chamber of Commerce . It also contains the establishment of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce in China , the establishment of the Yangxing and the establishment of the Ocean Chamber of Commerce in China , thus leading out the function of the Chamber of Commerce to deal with foreign commercial disputes .
In the second part , the Chamber of Commerce has classified and summarized the cases of foreign commercial disputes through the Chamber of Commerce . This part is mainly derived from the records compiled by the Chamber of Commerce of the Chamber of Commerce .
The third part is the special form of the commercial dispute between the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce . This part is a separate introduction to the two kinds of special forms of business dispute between the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce .
In the fourth part , the Chamber of Commerce ' s participation in foreign commercial disputes is a historical review of the operation of civil society . This part is the summary of the functions of foreign commercial disputes in the Chamber of Commerce . This part includes the different roles played by the Chamber of Commerce in the case of foreign commercial disputes . The Chamber of Commerce maintains active interactive relations with the Crown in dealing with foreign commercial disputes ; the Chamber of Commerce maintains the interests of the Chinese businessmen and increases the enthusiasm of Chinese businessmen to participate in economic development ; the Chamber of Commerce has stimulated the commercial legislation of the Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China . The Chamber of Commerce can play a positive role in the western legal transplant in the late Qing Dynasty .
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