发布时间:2018-05-06 14:55
本文选题:消费者破产 + 西方国家 ; 参考:《对外经济贸易大学》2003年硕士论文
【摘要】: 随着现代社会消费者信用和消费者金融的急剧膨胀,以及社会公众生活观念和消费习惯的改变,近十几年来,社会上开始大量出现个人即消费者破产的现象,引起了社会的广泛关注和连锁反应。而且预计随着经济的继续发展,这种社会现象将会频繁的发生。 消费者破产并不是严格的法律用语,而是用于区别企业破产。消费者破产主要起因于生活经济主体的消费生活。当个人或法人不能偿还其债务,相应的利害关系人如要行使各自的权利,各债权人之间将会产生很多的权利冲突,甚至影响社会秩序的稳定。今天的法律与生活紧密相连,为了公平合理地解决这些债务人和债权人之间的利害关系,作为规范消费者破产的法律制度也开始走向成熟和完善。许多国家制定了破产法,及为防止濒临倒闭的和议法,以及相关的公司整理法。 在经济发达国家,包括美国、日本等,消费者个人破产问题在理论和实践中已经有了相当长时间的发展。韩国因最近的金融危机,除企业外许多个人处于经济上的倒闭状态,消费者个人破产的问题开始引人注目。在对美、日等西方国家消费者破产法律制度进行研究的基础上,我们能够发现其中的特色和优点,并在着手构建自己国家的消费者破产法律制度时,起到借鉴和引用的作用。 中国市场经济的各项制度尚未完善,如个人信用及信用卡制度、个人贷款制度等,因此,也许涉及不到消费者破产的问题。但是,随着市场经济的迅猛发达,很快会出现消费者破产的问题。中国经济发达模式和方向与韩国相当相似,本文试从比较法角度来分析韩国消费者破产的问题,,希望给中国消费者个人破产领域提供一些建议。 本文分四个部分。第一部分“消费者破产的概述”,首先探讨消费者破产的含义,并对其划分类别。为研讨消费者破产问题,首先要明确消费者的含义。消费者破产的类似概念有:“小破产”、“自己破产”、“多重债务(者)”。根据韩国《消费者保护法》,消费者是指为消费生活使用或利用营业者提供的物品及服务的人。但消费者破产中消费者不局限于特定的合同或法律关系,而是涉及到消费者作为个人发生倒闭情况的所有法律关系。日本学者伊藤真提出的Multi Door理论针对不同的债务人提出了不同的解决方案,具有一定的科学性。最后总结有关消费者破产的法律特征。 第二部分“西方国家的消费者破产”,详细介绍美、日等西方国家消费者破产的现状及其现行的规制消费者破产的法律制度,并对其各自的特点进行比较。伴随90年代后期的经济繁荣以及个人的收入增加,美国的消费者破产数量上却出现了急剧增加趋势。美国消费者破产急剧增加的主要原因是美国人的过分消费、金融机关的借贷形式、法律及相关制度等复合作用的结果。信用卡的大量普及和消费者信用的发展,使美国人享受着丰富的消费生活。但是部分个人因过分使用信用卡而承担过重的负债后,不能偿还债务就申请消费者破产。而日本因继续的经济衰退逐渐增加消费者破产。据1998年统计,日本每1,200名中就有1人申请了消费者破产,具有破产可能性者预计达150万名左右。日本的消费者破产增加的原因是:因为经济萧条并且个人收入减少;也是因为金融机关的借贷控制放松、日本式雇佣惯行的崩溃等;经营贷款和住房贷款的利息过高造成消费者破产。在破产法律制度建设方面,美国的法制体系较为健全,各种程序规定更细 WP=4 致和充分,美国的破产法有:原有的的“Bankruptcy Act”、1978年全面修订的“Bankruptcy Reform Act”。其破产程序多样,包括“清算程序(第7章程序,Liquidation)”、“整顿(企业重建)程序(第11章程序,Reorganization)”、“个人再生程序(第13章程序)”、“有年收入之农业工人的债务调整程序(第12章程序,Adjustment of Debts of a Family Farmer with Regular Annual Income)”、“市政府债务调整程序等”。实际破产案例数量最多,司法实践经验也最为成熟。美国破产法制的着眼点更多地在于破产后的重整,因此给破产人提供更多的保护。德国破产法律制度更多地强调当事人之间事先的合意,希望通过当事人之间的合意来减少个人(消费者)破产给社会带来的冲击。德国法更多地关注保护债权人利益。日本则把破产程序划分为‘清算型’和‘再建型’。清算型包括破产法上的破产程序和商法上的特别清算程序,再建型包括公司再建程序、公司整顿程序及和议法上的和解程序。其中,适用消费者破产的有破产法上的破产程序和和议法上的和议程序。对于非破产法上的破产,强调当事人双方的自愿、自主,充分体现当事人双方的意志自治。 第三部分“韩国的消费者破产”,首先将详细地介绍韩国消费者破产的现状,及韩国消费者破产法律制度。韩国在上世纪90年代发生金融、外汇危机之后,“倒产(倒闭)案件”增加了很多。1999年后破产案件的增加速度有所缓和,但依然比‘金融、外汇危机’前高。韩国法律尚未制订出为消费者破产的法律制度,因此消费者破产制度与破产法的一般程序相差不多。消费者破产通过债务人对管辖地方法院的破产申请而开始。地方法院审查而进行破产宣告后,进行‘同时废止决定'或选任破产管理人。以免责为目的的这些自己破产案件的大部分为同时废止
[Abstract]:With the rapid expansion of consumer credit and consumer finance in the modern society, as well as the changes in the concept of public life and consumption habits, the phenomenon of individual consumer bankruptcy has appeared in the society in the past decade, which has caused widespread concern and chain reaction in society. And it is expected that as the economy continues to develop, this kind of society is expected to develop. The phenomenon will occur frequently.
Consumer bankruptcy is not a strict legal term, but is used to distinguish enterprise bankruptcy. Consumer bankruptcy is mainly due to the consumer life of the main body of living economy. When individuals or legal persons can not repay their debts, the corresponding stakeholders will exercise their respective rights, and there will be a lot of conflicts of rights and even influence among the creditors. The stability of social order. Today's law and life are closely linked. In order to resolve the interests of these debtors and creditors in a fair and rational way, the legal system for the regulation of the bankruptcy of consumers has also begun to mature and perfect. Many countries have established bankruptcy laws, as well as to prevent the closing of bankruptcy, and related companies. Tidy up.
In the developed countries, including the United States, Japan, and so on, the personal bankruptcy of consumers has been developing for quite a long time in theory and practice. Because of the recent financial crisis, many individuals are in the state of economic collapse except for enterprises. The problems of consumer personal bankruptcy have begun to attract attention. In the western countries, such as the United States, Japan and other countries. On the basis of the study of the legal system of bankruptcy, we can find out the characteristics and advantages, and play the role of reference and reference when we begin to build the legal system of consumer bankruptcy in our country.
The system of China's market economy has not been perfected, such as personal credit and credit card system, personal loan system and so on. Therefore, it may not be involved in the problem of consumer bankruptcy. However, with the rapid development of the market economy, the problem of consumer bankruptcy will appear quickly. The model and direction of China's economic development are similar to that of Korea. From the perspective of comparative law, this paper analyzes the problem of Korean consumer bankruptcy, and hopes to provide some suggestions for Chinese consumers in the field of personal bankruptcy.
This article is divided into four parts. The first part, "a summary of consumer bankruptcy", first discusses the meaning of consumer bankruptcy and divides them into categories. In order to discuss consumer bankruptcy, first of all, we should make clear the meaning of consumers. The similar concepts of consumer bankruptcy are "small bankruptcy", "self bankruptcy", "multiple debt". Consumer protection law, the consumer is the person who uses or uses the goods and services provided by the business person for the consumer life. But the consumer is not limited to a specific contract or legal relationship in the bankruptcy of the consumer. It is all the legal customs of the consumer as a personal failure. Ito, a Japanese scholar, really proposed the Multi Door theory. Different solutions for different debtors are scientific. Finally, summarize the legal characteristics of consumer bankruptcy.
The second part, "consumer bankruptcy in the west", describes in detail the current situation of consumer bankruptcy in the United States, Japan and other western countries and the current legal system to regulate consumers' bankruptcy, and compares their respective characteristics. With the economic prosperity of the late 90s and the increase in individual income, the number of consumer bankruptcies in the United States comes out. There is a sharp increase in the trend. The major reasons for the sharp increase in American consumer bankruptcy are the result of the excessive consumption of the Americans, the form of financial institutions, the law and related systems. The widespread popularity of credit cards and the development of consumer credit have made the Americans enjoy a rich consumer life. But some of them are overdue. In 1998, Japan has been bankrupt. According to the 1998 statistics, 1 people in every 1200 Japan have applied for consumer bankruptcy, and the possibility of bankruptcy is expected to be about 1 million 500 thousand. Japan's consumer bankruptcy is increasing. The reasons are: because of the recession and the reduction of personal income; also because of the loosening of the control of financial institutions, the collapse of Japanese type of employment, and the excessive interest of operating loans and housing loans. In the construction of the legal system of bankruptcy, the legal system of the United States is more sound and the various procedures are finer.
The insolvency law of the United States has: the original "Bankruptcy Act" and the "Bankruptcy Reform Act", revised in 1978. Its bankruptcy proceedings are diverse, including "liquidation procedures (seventh chapters, Liquidation)", "rectification (enterprise reconstruction) procedure (eleventh constitution, Reorganization)", "individual regeneration procedure (thirteenth chapter procedures)", "The debt adjustment procedure of agricultural workers with annual income (twelfth chapter procedure, Adjustment of Debts of a Family Farmer with Regular Annual Income)", "municipal government debt adjustment procedure, etc.". The number of actual bankruptcy cases is the most and the judicial practice is most mature. As a result, more protection is provided to the bankrupt. The German bankruptcy law has more emphasis on the prior agreement between the parties and hopes to reduce the impact of individual (consumer) bankruptcy to the society through the agreement between the parties. German law pays more attention to protecting the interests of creditors. The liquidation type includes the bankruptcy proceedings and the special liquidation procedures on the commercial law in the bankruptcy law. The rebuilt type includes the reconstruction procedures of the company, the reorganization procedure of the company and the reconciliation procedure in the harmony law. Among them, the bankruptcy proceedings and the negotiation procedures on the bankruptcy law and the negotiation procedures in the bankruptcy law are applicable to the bankruptcy law. Bankruptcy emphasizes the willingness and autonomy of both parties to fully reflect the will autonomy of both parties.
The third part, "South Korea's consumer bankruptcy", will first give a detailed introduction to the current situation of South Korea's consumer bankruptcy and the legal system of South Korea's consumer bankruptcy. After the financial and foreign exchange crisis in 90s of the last century, the "inverted production (bankruptcy) case" increased the rate of bankruptcy in many.1999 years, but still compared. "Financial, foreign exchange crisis" before high. Korean law has not yet formulated a legal system for the bankruptcy of consumers, so the consumer bankruptcy system and the general procedures of the bankruptcy law are quite different. The majority of these bankruptcy cases are to be abolished at the same time.
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