本文选题:租赁 + 融资租赁 ; 参考:《对外经济贸易大学》2004年硕士论文
【摘要】:融资租赁的诞生是自20世纪50年代开始的席卷全球的西方发达国家的金融创新潮流在融资方面的重要表现,作为现代租赁业的重要标志,其具有诸多独特的交易特征。具体到法律领域,这些独特的交易特征所带来的法律关系的变化也对传统的民商法构成了挑战:它突破了传统民商法关于所有权、担保、租赁、代理等法律关系的概念,创设出一种新型的特殊的法律关系,为法律界的人士提供了富有挑战性的研究素材。 本文仅针对融资租赁中的物权问题进行了深入的研究。全文共分四大部分:第一部分是“融资租赁的概述”。介绍了融资租赁的概念和融资租赁的特点和性质;第二部分是“融资租赁中的物权及相关分析”。该部分和第三部分共同构成了文章的核心部分。主要介绍了传统的民法物权理论,并深入分析了融资租赁这一特殊交易结构中所能体现出来的物权和物化权利;第三部分是“融资租赁物权模式之构建”。在该部分中,,笔者介绍了现今的理论界中存在的几种有关融资租赁物权模式的理论,并在这些理论的基础上,结合第二部分对于融资租赁物权的分析,以图释的方式构建了自己的物权模式——浮动的所有权理论。第四部分是“中国融资租赁的现状与物权内容立法分析”。介绍了美国、俄罗斯、意大利、比利时、德国关于融资租赁的立法,以及《国际融资租赁公约》中的相关内容,并针对我国的现行融资租赁立法进行了简要的评述,提出了自己的一点建议。
[Abstract]:The birth of financial leasing is an important manifestation of financial innovation trend in western developed countries which swept the world since 1950s. As an important symbol of modern leasing industry, it has many unique transaction characteristics. Specifically in the field of law, the changes in legal relations brought about by these unique characteristics of transactions also challenge the traditional civil and commercial law: it breaks through the traditional concepts of legal relations such as ownership, guarantee, lease, agency, etc. The creation of a new type of special legal relationship provides challenging research materials for the legal profession. This article only carries on the thorough research to the real right question in the finance lease. The paper is divided into four parts: the first part is an overview of financial leasing. This paper introduces the concept of financial lease and the characteristics and nature of financial lease. The second part is "Real right and related Analysis in Financial Lease". This part and the third part together constitute the core part of the article. This paper mainly introduces the traditional theory of real right in civil law, and deeply analyzes the real right and materialized right embodied in the special transaction structure of financial lease. The third part is the construction of real right mode of financial lease. In this part, the author introduces several theories about the real right mode of financial lease, and on the basis of these theories, combines the second part of the analysis of the real right of financial lease. The author constructs his own real right mode-floating ownership theory. The fourth part is the legislative analysis of the current situation and the content of real right of finance lease in China. This paper introduces the legislation of the United States, Russia, Italy, Belgium and Germany on financial leasing, and the relevant contents of the International Convention on Financial Leasing, and makes a brief comment on the current legislation on financial leasing in China. Some suggestions are put forward.
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