本文选题:外资并购 + 国有企业 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2006年硕士论文
【摘要】:国有企业如何发展,走一条怎样的改革之路,一直是中国市场经济发展中的难题。而利用外资对国有企业进行重组,通过产权交易使国有企业逐步退出市场竞争领域,改善公司治理结构,提高企业运营效率,似乎为这条艰难的道路点亮了一盏明灯。但是,必须认识到的是,“外资”之所以采用并购的方式踏入中国市场,不是为了帮助我们进行国有企业的改革,其目的仅是用最低的成本获取最大的盈利。因此,在外资并购国有企业的过程中,由于中方和外方的出发点不同,各种矛盾在所难免,看似单纯的交易行为不仅关系到企业的生死存亡,更会影响国家经济结构的合理配置和经济安全的维护。而通过法律规范对并购行为进行微观和宏观两方面的规制,必将是规范外资并购行为,维护国家经济秩序的一条必由之路。 本文从法律规制的角度针对外资并购国有企业问题进行了探讨。全文从分析外资并购国有企业的基本问题入手,对相关概念进行了明晰,确定了外资并购国有企业的研究范围,指出我国现阶段在此方面存在的问题,并对问题的形成原因进行了剖析。随后,文章从法学角度对外资并购国有企业进行了分析,提出了对此并购行为进行法律规制的理论基础,并对现阶段我国的相关立法情况进行了介绍和评析,提出了分别从公法视野和私法视野完善相关法律规制体系的思路。以此为导向,文章在对发达国家和发展中国家的外资并购法律体系进行比较研究的基础上,在全文的最后一部分,提出了重构我国外资法体系,完善外资并购相关经济法和商法制度,健全并购中的国有资产保护体制等具体的立法建议。
[Abstract]:How to develop state-owned enterprises and take a road of reform has always been a difficult problem in the development of China's market economy. The reorganization of state-owned enterprises by using foreign capital, the gradual withdrawal of state-owned enterprises from the market competition field through property right transaction, the improvement of corporate governance structure and the improvement of enterprise operation efficiency seem to light a light for this difficult road. However, it must be realized that the reason why "foreign capital" entered the Chinese market by means of mergers and acquisitions is not to help us reform state-owned enterprises, but only to maximize profits at the lowest cost. Therefore, in the process of foreign capital mergers and acquisitions of state-owned enterprises, due to the different starting points between the Chinese and foreign parties, various contradictions are inevitable, and seemingly simple transactions are not only related to the survival or death of the enterprises. It will affect the rational allocation of national economic structure and the maintenance of economic security. The regulation of mergers and acquisitions through legal norms in both micro and macro aspects is bound to be the only way to standardize foreign mergers and acquisitions and to maintain the national economic order. From the angle of legal regulation, this paper probes into the problem of foreign capital merger and acquisition of state-owned enterprises. Starting with the analysis of the basic problems of foreign capital merger and acquisition of state-owned enterprises, this paper clarifies the relevant concepts, determines the scope of research on foreign capital mergers and acquisitions of state-owned enterprises, and points out the problems existing in this respect at present in China. The causes of the problem are analyzed. Then, from the angle of law, the article analyzes the legal basis of the merger and acquisition of state-owned enterprises by foreign capital, and introduces and comments on the relevant legislation of our country at the present stage. Put forward the idea of perfecting the relevant legal regulation system from the perspective of public law and private law respectively. On the basis of comparative study on the legal system of foreign capital merger and acquisition in developed and developing countries, the last part of this paper puts forward the reconstruction of foreign capital law system in China. To perfect the relevant economic and commercial law system of foreign capital M & A, and perfect the system of the protection of state-owned assets in M & A, and other specific legislative suggestions.
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