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发布时间:2018-07-27 11:27
【摘要】: 由于我国电信通信业正处于从政府垄断经营过渡到市场竞争经营的大变革、大发展阶段,尤其在加入世界贸易组织后如何按照国际惯例和我国法律、法规来规范移动通信企业与用户的关系,提高市场竞争力显得更为重要。尽管我国现行的《合同法》总则以及《电信条例》可作为规范性的总则,指导电信业的相关规范,但是,由于我国目前还没有把“电信服务合同”作为典型化的合同纳入到我国的《合同法》之中,因此在处理电信服务纠纷时会感到法律依据不足。 针对目前移动通信业务经营中出现的“三不断”,即“纠纷不断、投诉不断、企业应诉不断”的现象,本论文集中地分析我国蜂窝式移动通信业务与用户之间的电信服务关系,从电信服务合同的概念、特点、合同形式、双方权利义务、直到违约责任,以我国《合同法》为依据,结合移动通信业务的特点,调查研究,参照了国际、国内电信服务合同的文本,进行系统的、详尽的分析。本论文从民法原理出发,根据《合同法》、《电信条例》有关规定精神,结合作者本人在电信服务业的多年实践,通过比较研究,希望拓宽我国合同法的法学理论研究范围,深入各典型合同的研究深度,最终运用于实践,主动运用法律来规范企业内部管理。
[Abstract]:Since China's telecommunications industry is undergoing a major transformation from government monopoly to market competition, how to follow international practice and Chinese laws, especially after China's accession to the World Trade Organization, is at the stage of great development. It is more important to regulate the relationship between mobile communication enterprises and users and to improve market competitiveness. Although the current General provisions of the contract Law and the Telecommunication regulations can be used as normative general principles to guide the relevant norms of the telecommunications industry, however, Because "telecommunication service contract" has not been brought into the contract law of our country as a typical contract at present, it will feel that the legal basis is insufficient when dealing with the dispute of telecommunication service. In view of the phenomenon of "three unceasing" in the current mobile communication business, that is, "continuous disputes, continuous complaints, and enterprises responding to complaints", this paper analyzes the telecommunication service relationship between cellular mobile communication services and users in our country. From the concept, characteristics, contract form, rights and obligations of both parties to the contract of telecommunication services until the liability of breach of contract, according to the contract Law of our country, combined with the characteristics of mobile communication service, the investigation and research, referring to the international, The text of domestic telecommunication service contract, carry on systematic, detailed analysis. Starting from the principle of civil law, according to the spirit of the relevant provisions of contract Law and regulations, combined with the author's many years of practice in the telecommunication service industry, this paper hopes to broaden the scope of the legal theory research of the contract law of our country through the comparative study. The research depth of each typical contract is applied to practice, and the internal management of enterprise is regulated by law.


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