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发布时间:2018-07-27 12:50
【摘要】: 最大诚信原则是海上保险法的基本原则之一。最大诚信原则主要体现为对被保险人的要求,更有利于保险人。作为其主要内容的告知义务和保证制度最能说明这一点。在海上保险业开展的初期,由于技术上的原因,处于信息劣势的保险人开展业务风险极大,与之相适应的是,保险合同对被保险人的诚信要求特别高。 但是,随着科学技术的发展以及保险人承保技术的进步,保险人不再处于劣势地位。强调保护保险人利益的最大诚信原则的负面效应遭到了批评。保险人常常以被保险人违反告知义务为由进行技巧性抗辩;保证制度,似乎也渐渐演变成保险人逃避责任的工具,很容易使被保险人动辄得咎,进而丧失保险保障。对告知义务过于严格的要求以及传统的保证制度在一定意义上对保险人同样不利。因为这样会加重被保险人得到赔偿的不确定性,被保险人的这种担心会减少其对保险的需求,最终损害了保险人的利益。 因此,随着社会经济环境和海上保险业的不断发展,最大诚信原则发生了许多变化。作为其主要内容的告知义务和保证制度的发展趋势最能体现这种变化。本文着重介绍这两项制度的发展趋势。这些揭示了现代海上保险法的价值取向的转变。 本文运用历史分析与比较分析等研究方法,探究现代海上保险法的价值取向,以期对我国《海商法》相关规定的完善提出建议。本文除了引言、结论之外,共分为四个部分。 第一部分是对最大诚信原则的一般性概述,对其内容及其主要变化进行了界定,引出下文对其主要内容告知义务和保证制度发展趋势的讨论。 第二部分主要介绍了告知义务的发展趋势。总的趋势是减轻被保险人的告知义务。主要方式是重新定义了“重要情况”;引入主观主义,据此认定义务人是否违反告知义务,并考虑义务人的过错程度,规定了不同的法律后果。另外,保险人违反告知义务的法律后果也有了变化。 第三部分介绍了保证制度的变化。主要体现在两个方面——在保证的认定上,更加严格;同时软化了违反保证的严厉后果。 第四部分认为:现代海上保险法的价值取向的转变是一个从保护保险人的利益转向保护被保险人的利益,以保险交易效率为目标到公平与效率并重的过程。 文章的结尾对我国《海商法》相关规定提出了修改建议。
[Abstract]:The principle of maximum good faith is one of the basic principles of marine insurance law. The principle of maximum good faith is mainly reflected in the requirements of the insured, which is more favorable to the insurer. As its main content, the obligation to inform and guarantee system can best illustrate this point. In the initial stage of the marine insurance industry, the underwriters in the information inferiority have a great risk of carrying out business because of the technical reasons. However, with the development of science and technology and the progress of underwriting technology, insurers are no longer in a disadvantaged position. The negative effect of the principle of utmost good faith, which emphasizes the protection of the insurer's interests, has been criticized. The insurer often defends skillfully with the reason that the insured violates the obligation of informing; the guarantee system, which seems to have gradually evolved into an instrument for the insurer to evade its responsibility, easily makes the insured liable to blame, and then loses the insurance protection. The strict requirement of the obligation of notification and the traditional guarantee system are also disadvantageous to the insurer in a certain sense. Because this will aggravate the uncertainty of the insured's compensation, the insurant's concern will reduce its demand for insurance, and ultimately damage the insurer's interests. Therefore, with the development of social economic environment and marine insurance industry, the principle of maximum integrity has changed a lot. As its main content, the obligation of informing and the development trend of guarantee system can best reflect this change. This paper focuses on the development trend of these two systems. These reveal the change of value orientation of modern marine insurance law. In this paper, historical analysis and comparative analysis are used to explore the value orientation of modern marine insurance law, in order to put forward some suggestions for the perfection of the relevant provisions of Maritime Code of China. In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this paper is divided into four parts. The first part is a general overview of the principle of maximum good faith, its content and its main changes are defined, leading to the following discussion of the main content of the obligation to inform and guarantee system development trend. The second part mainly introduces the development trend of the obligation of notification. The general trend is to reduce the insured's obligation to inform. The main way is to redefine the "important situation", and introduce subjectivism to determine whether the obligor violates the obligation of informing, and consider the degree of fault of the obligor, and stipulate different legal consequences. In addition, the legal consequences of the insurer's breach of the obligation to inform have also changed. The third part introduces the change of guarantee system. It mainly embodies in two aspects-more strict in the recognition of warranty, and softened the severe consequences of breach of warranty. The fourth part holds that the change of the value orientation of the modern marine insurance law is a process from protecting the interests of the insurer to protecting the interests of the insured, taking the efficiency of insurance transactions as the goal and paying equal attention to fairness and efficiency. At the end of the article, some suggestions are put forward to amend the relevant regulations of Maritime Law of our country.


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