[Abstract]:International maritime container transportation is an important way to transport goods by sea. Its appearance and development have not changed the system of the original transportation law objectively. However, as a new type of cargo transport mode, container is a new way of carrying goods. The physical properties have brought many influences to shipping practice and related legal system, and raised many new problems to the maritime law circle. Starting from the provisions of international conventions and domestic laws on carrier liability, combined with the problems in our country's current shipping practice and judicial trial, this paper starts with the legal status of the container transport participants and the carrier's liability period, and so on. In order to solve the legal problems in theory and practice and promote the development of container transportation, this paper systematically analyzes the responsibility of the carrier in the international maritime container, and provides some useful guidance and help for the shipping practitioners in this field. In addition to the introduction and conclusions, this paper is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 deals with carriers in international maritime container transport. This chapter combines the provisions of the International Convention on the Carriage of goods by Sea (draft) drafted by UNCITRAL and China's Maritime Law on the carrier through the carrier and the actual carrier, the maritime performing party, the freight forwarder, the non-ship carrier. The comparison of multimodal transport operators, the analysis of the legal status of container transport participants. Chapter 2 deals with the period of the carrier's responsibility in international maritime container transport. This chapter analyzes the relationship between the carrier's liability period and the mode of the delivery of container goods in container transportation in combination with the relevant legislation and the provisions of the container bill of lading on the carrier's liability period. The third chapter is the focus of this paper, on the basis of the above, combined with the provisions of the international convention on the carriage of goods by sea, through the case analysis, the responsibility of the carrier in the international maritime container transport is discussed. This chapter focuses on the impact of unknown clauses in container bills of lading on the carrier's liability and the attribution of liability for hidden damage to container cargo.
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