[Abstract]:The issue of the relationship between civil law and commercial law has a long history, but so far, this dispute has gone out of the stereotype of the legislative model as the object of discussion. It focuses on the rational view of their respective status and functions in the legal system. Limited to the requirements of the civil law system and the legislative limitations of the commercial single law, the existing civil law and business affairs are in place. There is an objective gap between the unilateral law, which causes the judge to apply the Legal Predicament in the case of the referee. How to get out of the predicament is undoubtedly an important task for the researchers. In recent years, many scholars have devoted to the study of the common rules and supplementary rules of the civil law as the special law of the civil law in order to fill civil law and business. This effort of the scholar has undoubtedly contributed to the improvement of civil and commercial legal systems. In particular, it is particularly gratifying that some courts are not satisfied with the traditional methods of thinking in civil law and the resolution of disputes, but the thinking and method of commercial law for the commercial disputes in judicial practice. To sort out, identify and explain the relevant legal facts and legal norms in order to find the jurisprudence of the referee more fully and carefully. The growth and development of the law, in addition to the development and progress of the society, can not be separated from the joint efforts of the academic and practical circles. It is a difficult problem in the judicial practice that makes progress in academic progress. At the same time, the law has also gained momentum of growth. We discuss the problem of legal theory in business practice. The purpose of this discussion is to give some inspiration to solve the problems in judicial practice through the discussion of these problems, and expect more scholars to pay attention to and study the problems in this field.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学法学院;
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