[Abstract]:Credit tax is an important part of market credit. Only in accordance with the law can we build and maintain the normal tax order and promote fair competition. To clarify the relationship between the principle of good faith and tax law, so that the principle of good faith can be properly applied in the tax law, to stop the loss of tax revenue from the source, to stop tax evasion, to avoid tax evasion and tax fraud, and to raise citizens' awareness of paying taxes. To promote the sound development of tax work, has an important practical significance. This paper firstly clarifies the connotation of the principle of good faith and clarifies the relationship between the principle of good faith and good faith so as to facilitate the next discussion of the paper. Then, the theoretical basis of the application of the principle of good faith in the tax law is expounded, and the relationship between the principle of good faith and the legal principle of taxation is analyzed, which lays a foundation for the application of the principle of good faith in the tax law. At the same time, this paper also discusses the requirements of the principle of good faith to the subject of tax legal relations, and the concrete application of the principle of good faith in the tax law of our country. It can be seen that it is necessary and possible to introduce the principle of good faith in the field of tax law. The principle of good faith can not only be applied in the tax law, but also contribute to the effective realization of the value of the tax law.
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