[Abstract]:As a large space structure, reticulated shell structure has been widely used in large buildings with landmarks in recent years because of its advantages such as beautiful appearance, reasonable force, economical material use and large covering space. However, a large number of practices have proved that the traditional design can only guarantee the safety, normal use and durability of the structure, and the mechanical properties of the materials can not be fully developed. In order to make more reasonable use of the properties of the materials, It is necessary to optimize the design of the structure for better coordination of the components within the structure. On the basis of studying the theory of structure optimization and various optimization algorithms, the basic theory of sequence two-level algorithm and genetic algorithm, the improvement of algorithm and the realization of program are studied in this paper. On this basis, the section optimization of single-layer cylindrical reticulated shell and the topology optimization design of double-layer cylindrical reticulated shell are realized. The main contents of this paper are as follows: (1) in this paper, five typical single-layer cylindrical latticed shell structures are designed by using sequential two-level algorithm. The constraints of the optimization model are divided into local constraints and global constraints. The one-dimensional search method is used to deal with local constraints and the relative difference quotient method is used to deal with global constraints. In this paper, the influence of the span of five typical single-layer cylindrical latticed shell structures and the variation of the rise-to-span ratio on the total weight of the structure are analyzed in detail, and the six kinds of span and six kinds of rise-span ratio commonly used in engineering are obtained. The most economical structure of cylindrical reticulated shell. (2) the basic genetic algorithm is studied in this paper. On the basis of this, integer coding is adopted for coding mode, hybrid method and neighborhood mutation method are used for hybrid and mutation operation, respectively. Using the improved genetic algorithm, the topology optimization design of the two-layer cylindrical reticulated shell with quadrangular cones is carried out. In this paper, the variation of the total weight with the ratio of length to span, the ratio of vector to span and the thickness of the cylindrical reticulated shell structure with quadrangular cones and double layers at 50 m span is analyzed, and the results show that the total weight of the reticulated shell is divided by a certain number of meshes. (3) A large-scale finite element analysis software ANSYS is used to analyze the internal force of cylindrical latticed shell, and APDL language is used to model the cylindrical latticed shell. The optimization program is compiled under the environment of MATLAB, and the data transfer between MATLAB and ANSYS is realized through the writing and writing of files, that is, the automatic transfer of structural force analysis in the process of structural optimization.
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