[Abstract]:Guarantee refers to the guarantee of debt, which can be understood from two perspectives: from the point of view of creditor's rights, it is to ensure the smooth realization of creditor's rights, from the point of view of debt, it is to urge the debtor to fulfill his obligations voluntarily. He wrote: "The land in Attica is covered with pillars of collateral that say how much the land has been mortgaged to somebody. 1" He also pointed out that "land can now be sold and mortgaged. The mortgage system was invented as soon as the ownership of the land was established. From the beginning, guarantees were linked to the commodity economy, private ownership, commodity trade and monetary economy. The earliest guarantees were stipulated in the Roman law, the first universal law in the society of commodity producers. The Roman law established many ways of guaranteeing the performance of guaranteed obligations, such as liquidated damages. Money, bond, mortgage, and pledge. The legal principles of modern creditor's rights guarantees developed largely from the principles of Roman law.
Like the emergence of a large number of financial derivatives, with the rapid development of modern credit economy, a variety of new forms of secured creditor's rights are realized in more and more ways. From the perspective of traditional legal system, these new forms of secured creditor's rights can not be put into an appropriate position, and the laws of various countries regulate the scope of security. It can be said that the guarantee law is the most complex subject in the civil law system.
With the emergence of equity economy, equity has become a kind of "property" in the security system which can be used to set up, protect and benefit significantly. Generally speaking, the meaning of equity should include shareholder's rights, capital and stock. Equity has the nature of amount, responsibility, transfer and securities. These characteristics provide the possibility for the concrete operation and implementation of the securities that equity can provide. However, as we all know, the emergence of the security system is much earlier than the emergence of equity. Therefore, the corresponding provisions of various countries for equity guarantee are still in a stage of constant practice and exploration.
As one of the subjects of civil and commercial law, this paper studies the combination of equity and guarantee in different countries. In Continental France, equity guarantee is basically limited to the application of pledge of rights. However, in Anglo-American countries, the security of equity is the same as their guarantee system, and there are many different types. Understanding of the academic status of the subject of equity guarantee, we know that the study of equity guarantee by Chinese scholars is limited to the pledge of equity in continental law, but it is still a blank space for the content of Anglo-American law, but in fact, the application of equity in Anglo-American national security system is closely related to modern economic needs. The combination of the two further consolidates and promotes the tradition and development of relevant legal systems, such as trust system and e-commerce. It is precisely because of this academic significance that this paper takes the pledge of rights in continental law as the main line, and combines the relevant legislation and practice of Anglo-American law, through the relevant cases and articles. The study of the law, the division of the nature of the equity guarantee, the discussion of the eligible equity, the legal effect of the equity guarantee, the realization of the equity guarantee, the present situation of the equity guarantee in our country and the legislative issues are elaborated in detail and put forward my own views. Financing laws will be a good summary and induction in the study and research of civil and commercial law.
At present, when the Property Law of China is coming out, I think that the study of the real right of security of stock right will make me understand the law and play an important role in the application of law in practice.
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