[Abstract]:This paper holds that saving transaction costs is the benefit nature and fundamental cause of market economy legislation. Due to the different economic foundations of various market economy laws, civil law is the complementary form of the market, commercial law is the alternative form of the market, and economic law is the complementary form of the market in terms of exerting the role of the allocation of resources. Therefore, the civil law should be ahead of the market activity legislation, the commercial law should be synchronized with the market activity legislation, and the economic law should lag behind the market activity legislation. Because the cost of legislation of economic law is higher than that of civil and commercial, so according to the different characteristics of legislative cost of various kinds of economic legislation, on the basis of grasping the quantity boundary of various kinds of economic legislation, the related cost and the law of input and output, Improve the quality of economic legislation as a low-cost and high-benefit breakthrough. Finally, this paper puts forward the realistic choice of low-cost and high-benefit economic legislation in our country.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学法律系
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