[Abstract]:In modern maritime transportation, ships have to pay a wide variety of fees for entering ports. Different countries, regions, due to the legal system, business practices and other systems, different regulations on port charges. Even in the same country, different port charges may vary from region to region. In China, port charges are the most common and important type of port charges. Article 22 of Maritime Law of our country stipulates all kinds of claims guaranteed by maritime lien. It is clearly stated that port fee is guaranteed by maritime lien, but the definition and scope of port fee are not clear in practice. Based on the analysis of port charges in China and the combination of laws and regulations, this paper defines port charges and analyzes their scope. At the same time, it compares port fees with port charges that are often used in practice. In practice, we often encounter subrogation and transfer of maritime liens. However, because port fees have the nature of administrative charges, is there transferability of maritime liens in port fees? Can the maritime lien be exercised by subrogation? This paper also makes a detailed analysis of this, and puts forward a better method for the protection of the agent who is often encountered in practice after paying the port fee. At present, China is increasing the collection of port fees, although the number of laws and regulations in this area is numerous, but there are many omissions in the practice of collection, which has a great impact on our financial revenue and port construction. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the relevant laws and practices of port fees in the current legislation of our country, and finally puts forward constructive suggestions on the current laws and regulations on port fees and the concrete implementation methods in practice. It hopes to contribute to the improvement of the priority legislation of port fee and the collection of port fee. Russia
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