[Abstract]:With the rapid development of science and technology, the construction of market economy, network economy, e-commerce these years ago also seems to be trendy words for today's we are no longer unfamiliar. 21 century is the information age, this proposition has been accepted by more and more people of insight. The superiority of e-commerce compared with the traditional business model is gradually reflected. How to grasp the pulse of the times and formulate policies to promote its development is an urgent subject worthy of our serious consideration. In order to ensure the sustained, rapid and healthy development of e-commerce, legislation should go first. The legal system is more backward in China than in the developed countries. E-commerce involves numerous and complicated fields, and every sub-field of E-commerce needs to be regulated and adjusted by law. Therefore, the legal problems related to electronic commerce are very extensive, including substantive law and procedural law, civil and commercial law, administrative law, criminal law and international law. This paper begins with the basic concepts of E-commerce and E-commerce Law, and compares the typical provisions of E-commerce laws of China and foreign countries. This paper discusses in detail the particularity of electronic contract, the special legal problems existing in electronic contract compared with traditional contract, the rights and obligations of all parties in electronic payment and electronic authentication, and the special protection of online consumer's rights and interests, especially the right to privacy. The legal application and jurisdiction of contract disputes and tort disputes in e-commerce. E-commerce law should be amended and supplemented in the existing legal system and follow the principles of neutrality, autonomy of will and security, and the written status of electronic contracts should be recognized, and the specific provisions should be as far as possible in line with international standards. Clearly define the legal status of certification agencies and their rights and obligations with the parties; pay attention to the protection of consumer rights and interests in electronic commerce; in the application of the law and jurisdiction should be as far as possible to respect the autonomy of the parties.
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