[Abstract]:Bill of lading is a document that proves that the contract of carriage of goods by sea and the goods have been received or loaded by the carrier, and the carrier guarantees delivery of the goods. Bill of lading, as an important transport document and trade document, has been playing an important role since it came into being. In international trade, why can the holder of the bill of lading always trust the rights recognized by the bill of lading and willingly pay thousands of loans to the bank or seller in exchange for these written documents? Because he believed that he could obtain the goods recorded in the document from the carrier in the port of destination with the written document (bill of lading) in his hand. In order to ensure the normal operation of the international trading system and the right of a bona fide buyer or holder to rely on the rights represented by the bill of lading, the law always makes every effort to ensure the validity of the trust and the circulation of the bill of lading. Therefore, the carrier of the carriage of goods by sea, after issuing the bill of lading, must give the goods to the consignee correctly at the port of destination, and the act of handing over the goods without receiving the original bill of lading issued by himself is regarded as the act of releasing the goods without documentary evidence. If such conduct results in loss to the lawful holder of the bill of lading, the carrier will be liable. However, for various reasons, it is common for the carrier in the port of destination not to deliver the goods by the original bill of lading in shipping practice. At present, the legal profession of our country claims the right of the legal holder of the bill of lading to the carrier on what basis after the delivery of the goods without documents, what responsibility should the carrier bear, how to bear the responsibility, and the actual carrier, the agent of the ship, There are different views on how freight forwarders bear responsibility. In order to clarify the responsibility of all parties in the case of non-bill delivery, and to help unify the understanding and understanding of this in the theoretical circle, this paper begins with the analysis of the meaning of non-bill delivery and the reasons for producing non-bill delivery. In this paper, the above problems are analyzed and studied from the qualitative point of view of the behavior of undocumented delivery, and on the basis of the analysis, some measures are put forward to prevent the delivery of goods without bill. It is hoped that it will be helpful to understand the related problems and to prevent the risk of undocumented delivery in shipping practice. This paper is divided into three parts. The first part clarifies and defines the concept of non-bill delivery on the basis of analyzing scholars' viewpoints and elaborating the relevant laws and regulations, and then analyzes and introduces the various reasons for the production of non-bill delivery. The second part starts with the qualitative analysis of the delivery of goods without bill of lading, and discusses the basis of the carrier's liability, the mechanism of compensation and the exemption of liability, and the basis on which the carrier bears the liability for the delivery of goods without the bill of lading. Whether we can enjoy the limitation of unit liability stipulated in Maritime Law of our country and whether the carrier should bear liability without bill of lading and whether there can be no exemption are deeply analyzed and studied. This part also carries on the thorough research to the actual carrier, the ship agent, the freight forwarder's non-bill delivery liability. In the third part of this paper, on the basis of the analysis of the first two parts, the author puts forward the countermeasures to prevent the risk of delivery of goods without bill of lading, and emphatically discusses the measures of domestic exporters, that is, the sellers and carriers of international trade contracts, to guard against the risk of delivery of goods without bill of lading. At the same time, it probes into the risk prevention measures of other related parties, such as banks and shipping agents, and puts forward the ardent request and appeal to the legal profession to take the attitude and measures that should be taken to prevent the risk of undocumented delivery.
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