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发布时间:2018-11-05 15:56
【摘要】: 信用证电子化,是国际贸易的不断深化与科学技术的飞速发展相结合的产物。随着全球贸易竞争的日趋激烈,随着人们对交易效率的不断追求,信用证电子化是国际贸易发展的必然趋势。但另一方面,信用证电子化对传统的以纸面为基础的信用证制度带来了很大的冲击。本文理论联系实际,运用比较的、法理分析的方法,对国际贸易中的信用证电子化的理论和实践进行了论述,并就信用证电子化带来的法律问题作了较为系统而深入的研究,期望能对我国的信用证电子化立法和实践有所帮助。 本文引言部分,介绍了信用证电子化方面的国内外研究现状:国外研究主要集中在对电子交单可能性和必要性的分析上;国内研究主要集中在两个方面的,一方面是对eUCP的介绍和解读,另一方面是以电子信用证业务为视角进行研究。引言也介绍了本文的创新之处在于对信用证电子化各环节、各方面的论述,与以前的文章相比更加系统化和全面化。 第一章对信用证和信用证电子化做了进行了介绍,并论述了信用证电子化的可能性和必然性。 第二章首先介绍了信用证电子化发展的三个阶段,第一阶段是“SWIFT”阶段,第二阶段是网上信用证,第三阶段是以电子交单为中心的信用证电子化;接着主要介绍了国际贸易中信用证电子化实践,包括商业银行主导的信用证电子化实践和电子商务公司主导的信用证电子化实践。 第三章介绍了信用证电子化带来的一些法律问题:如UCP无法适用的问题,电子提单的法律地位问题,电子签名的法律效力问题,电子数据的证据效力问题,诉讼法院管辖问题,法律适用问题以及电子数据的安全性等问题。 第四章紧接着对第三章论述的信用证电子化带来的法律问题进行了分析。 第五章论述了我国信用证电子化方面的立法现状,并对立法现状进行了评析,本文认为立法现状存在的问题包括立法条款数量相当匮乏;立法层级低,影响力小;对国际公约及国外相关国家立法移植不足;法出多门,难以统一等。在文章的最后提出了对我国信用证电子化方面立法的建议,包括信用证电子化立法原则;对《民法通则》、《合同法》、《海商法》等增加关于信用证电子化方面内容的建议;明确电子商务公司地位的建议:借鉴国外先进经验的建议;提高立法层级的建议;制定统一的中央立法的建议。
[Abstract]:The electronic letter of credit is the combination of the deepening of international trade and the rapid development of science and technology. With the increasingly fierce global trade competition and the constant pursuit of transaction efficiency, the electronic letter of credit is an inevitable trend in the development of international trade. On the other hand, the electronic letter of credit brings a great impact on the traditional paper-based letter of credit system. This paper discusses the theory and practice of electronic letter of credit in international trade by using the method of comparative and legal analysis, and makes a systematic and in-depth study on the legal problems brought about by the electronic letter of credit. It is expected to be helpful to the electronic legislation and practice of letter of credit in our country. The introduction of this paper introduces the domestic and foreign research status of electronic letter of credit: the foreign research mainly focuses on the analysis of the possibility and necessity of electronic documentary payment; Domestic research is mainly focused on two aspects, one is the introduction and interpretation of eUCP, the other is the study from the perspective of electronic letter of credit business. The introduction also introduces the innovation of this paper, which is more systematic and comprehensive than the previous articles. The first chapter introduces the letter of credit and the electronic letter of credit, and discusses the possibility and inevitability of the letter of credit electronization. The second chapter introduces the three stages of the electronic development of letters of credit, the first stage is the "SWIFT" phase, the second stage is the online letter of credit, the third stage is the electronic delivery of documents as the center of the letter of credit electronic; Then it mainly introduces the practice of electronic letter of credit in international trade, including the electronic practice of letter of credit led by commercial banks and the electronic practice of letter of credit led by electronic commerce company. The third chapter introduces some legal problems brought about by electronic letter of credit, such as the problem that UCP can not be applied, the legal status of electronic bill of lading, the legal effect of electronic signature, the validity of evidence of electronic data, the jurisdiction of litigation court. The application of law and the security of electronic data. Chapter four then analyzes the legal problems brought about by the electronic letter of credit in the third chapter. The fifth chapter discusses the current situation of legislation on the electronic aspect of letters of credit in our country, and analyzes the current situation of legislation. The author thinks that the problems of the current legislative situation include the lack of the number of legislative provisions, the low level of legislation, and the small influence of legislation. The transplantation of international conventions and relevant national legislation is insufficient, and it is difficult to unify the laws. At the end of the article, the author puts forward some suggestions on the legislation of electronic letter of credit in our country, including the principle of electronic legislation of letter of credit, the general principles of civil law, contract law, maritime law, etc. Suggestions for clarifying the status of e-commerce companies: suggestions for drawing lessons from foreign advanced experience; suggestions for raising the legislative level; and suggestions for establishing unified central legislation.


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