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发布时间:2018-11-07 17:48
【摘要】: 资源型城市是因资源的开采而兴起或发展壮大,且资源及相关产业在当地经济结构中占有重要地位的城市。资源型城市的产业结构呈现出强烈的资源依赖性和单一性,发展到一定阶段陷入矿竭城衰的困境,生存发展面临严峻的考验,产业结构的调整势在必行。我国资源型城市的分布以东北地区最为典型,资源型城市的转型成为振兴东北老工业基地的重点和难点。本文选取辽中地区的鞍山、抚顺、本溪作为研究对象,对资源型城市的产业结构调整进行多层面的研究。 从产业结构调整的理论和原则出发,辽中地区资源型城市应大力发展现代农业和现代服务业,优化工业内部结构。国内外的学者对资源型城市进行了大量的理论研究,国际上也不乏一些资源型城市产业结构调整的成功案例,例如美国的休斯敦、德国的鲁尔区、法国的洛林等。本文全面地比较分析国内外资源型城市的转型案例,结合辽中地区三个资源型城市的特点,对其产业结构调整模式进行判断。抚顺市的煤炭资源已经枯竭,本文采取区位商法对抚顺进行产业优势判断,再采取区内相对比较优势基准对其新的主导产业的选择进行判断;鞍山市的铁矿资源丰富,本文采取产业综合评价值法,通过对产业的各项技术、经济和社会指标的计算,对接续产业的选择进行预测;本溪市煤炭产业已不复存在,整个城市经济由钢铁单撑,应利用其资源、地理优势,发挥中心城市的带动作用,培育接续产业。 本文通过研究得出以下结论:对于资源枯竭的抚顺,支持其发展成长性好的产业作为新的主导产业;对于资源处于稳产期的鞍山和本溪,一方面拉长资源产业链条,另一方面要未雨绸缪,积极支持培育新兴优势产业;基于区域经济一体化提出产业结构调整的对策。
[Abstract]:Resource-based city is a city where resources and related industries play an important role in the local economic structure. The industrial structure of resource-based cities presents a strong dependence and singularity of resources, and falls into the plight of mining exhausted cities at a certain stage. The survival and development of resource-based cities face a severe test, and the adjustment of industrial structure is imperative. The distribution of resource-based cities in China is most typical in Northeast China. The transformation of resource-based cities has become the focus and difficulty in revitalizing the old industrial bases in Northeast China. In this paper, Anshan, Fushun and Benxi in central Liaoning are selected as research objects to study the adjustment of industrial structure in resource-based cities. Based on the theory and principle of industrial structure adjustment, resource-based cities in central Liaoning should vigorously develop modern agriculture and modern service industry and optimize the internal structure of industry. Scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of theoretical research on resource-based cities, and there are also some successful cases of industrial restructuring in resource-based cities, such as Houston in the United States, Ruhr in Germany, Lorraine in France and so on. This paper makes a comprehensive comparison and analysis of the transformation cases of resource-based cities at home and abroad, and judges the industrial structure adjustment model of the three resource-based cities in the central Liaoning region in combination with the characteristics of the three resource-based cities at home and abroad. The coal resources of Fushun city have been exhausted. This paper adopts the location quotient law to judge the industrial advantage of Fushun, and then to judge the choice of the new leading industry by using the relative comparative advantage standard in the region. Anshan is rich in iron ore resources. This paper adopts the comprehensive evaluation value method of industry, through the calculation of various technical, economic and social indicators of the industry, forecasts the choice of the succession industry. The coal industry of Benxi has ceased to exist, and the whole city economy is supported by iron and steel. It is necessary to make use of its resources and geographical advantages to bring into play the leading role of the central city and to cultivate the continuous industry. This paper draws the following conclusions through the research: for the Fushun of resource depletion, support the development of good growth industry as a new leading industry; For Anshan and Benxi, where resources are in stable production period, on the one hand, the chain of resources industry should be elongated, on the other hand, we should make good plans ahead of time, actively support and cultivate new superior industries, and put forward the countermeasures of industrial structure adjustment based on regional economic integration.


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