[Abstract]:The risk of navigation at sea is high, and damage or damage to cargo and cargo occur from time to time. When damage is caused by a major maritime accident, the owner of the ship and other responsible parties may apply to the maritime court for the establishment of a limitation fund for maritime claims liability. Before or after the commencement of the procedure for limiting liability for maritime claims, because the person responsible is unable to pay off the debts due, the subject of the liability or its creditors will apply to the people's court for bankruptcy, The two kinds of legal relations are stipulated by maritime law and bankruptcy law respectively, but the provisions of cross-content are blank, so the limitation procedure of maritime claim liability and bankruptcy procedure may produce conflict. At this time, how to coordinate the court's trial procedure, how to properly deal with maritime claims and shore claims, and how to solve the contradictions of various claims in the order of compensation has become an urgent problem to be solved. How to solve the above conflicts is an outstanding subject that maritime law and bankruptcy law, maritime law and property law, substantive law and procedural law are intersected. Although they are seldom encountered in practice, they will eventually become a major problem puzzling maritime theorists and practitioners. This paper is divided into four parts: the first and second chapters briefly summarize the limitation procedure and bankruptcy procedure of maritime claims liability. The third chapter will expound the concrete manifestation of the conflict between the limitation procedure of maritime claim liability and the bankruptcy procedure, including the existence of the limitation procedure of maritime claim liability after the commencement of the bankruptcy proceedings, the problems of the examination and confirmation of the maritime creditor's right and the bankruptcy claim, The relationship between the limitation of liability for maritime claims and bankruptcy property and so on. The fourth chapter will put forward some suggestions to solve the conflict between the limitation of liability for maritime claims and the bankruptcy procedure on the basis of analyzing the causes of the conflict, and make a detailed study and combing of the overall legislative means and the solution of specific problems. The fifth chapter will study the conflict between the limitation procedure of transnational maritime claim liability and the bankruptcy procedure, describe the existing jurisdiction problem and law application problem, and put forward the way to solve the problem. This paper will study in detail the conflicts between the two procedures and the conflicts between the different rights involved in the two procedures, and solve the problems arising from the conflicts by applying the basic principles of law. And put forward the opinion and suggestion on the perfection of the limitation procedure of maritime claim liability in our country. This study is of great significance to improve the limitation procedure system of maritime claims liability and the practice of maritime judicial trial in China.
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