[Abstract]:The relative relation between civil law and commercial law should be understood. Before the early modern times, commercial law went through three stages, namely, the absence of system, the formation and nationalization of merchant law, while the main source of civil law in the same period was local customary law, Roman law and church law. Among them, the state of private law in Roman law stage laid the historical foundation of dualistic pattern of civil law and commercial law. Since the Middle Ages, the merchant law was completely isolated from the civil law because of its surpassing the national law. In the early modern times, the stagnation of the civil law made it more solidified with the dual pattern of the commercial law. In the modern sense, the dual pattern of civil law and commercial law began in the 19 th century. Since the progress of civil law in modern times, the external independence of commercial law has been weakened, so the "relativity theory" of civil and commercial relations has been formed in the field of European private law, which has had an important influence on the commercial legislation in the late 19th century. But the validity of this theory is based on the limitation of time and system content. The disappearance of the independence of commercial law norms will lead to the loss of its intrinsic independence. As far as the narrow commercial law is concerned, as a special law, it is essentially constructed with the specific subject as the object, and the business organization as the subjective element lays the institutional foundation for the narrow commercial law. The purpose of commercial law regulation and the commercial law principle on the basis of commercial fact ensure the existence of external independence in normative level. From the point of view of teleological system, civil law and commercial law bear a different purpose of construction, and their dualistic pattern is still maintained today. The understanding of this dual pattern is of systematic and practical significance.
【作者单位】: 浙江大学光华法学院;
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