[Abstract]:Contract theory was originally a basic concept in the field of civil and commercial law, but after human society entered the modern society, through the unremitting efforts of western legal scholars, a new set of social political theory, the theory of social contract, was finally created. The purpose of social contract theory is to explain the origin of government and the relationship between government and people. According to the theory of social contract, people transfer part of their rights in the form of social contract to form a state, and the public power owned by the state comes from the grant of the people. The emergence of the theory of social contract has aroused the interest of many scholars. The theory of equality and freedom in the theory of social contract not only provides a basic basis for the realization of individual rights such as freedom and equality, but also lays a theoretical foundation for the realization of national democracy. In the theory of social contract, the emphasis on the restriction of government power and the equivalence of power and responsibility is also the embodiment of the concept of rule of law, which is of great theoretical significance to the conception of a harmonious society under the rule of law. With the development of human productivity, the economic level of human society has been gradually improved. Western capitalist countries have entered the stage of monopoly capitalism after the formation and consolidation of capitalism and the period of free capitalism. In the stage of monopoly capitalism, the economic theory of laissez-faire can no longer solve all kinds of problems in economic development. At this time, economic law, characterized by state intervention, began to emerge as a new law subject. As an important part of economic law, macro-control law has also entered the field of world legal research. Because the history of the development of macro-control law is not long, the status of macro-control law as a new discipline is indisputable, and the mark of judging whether a discipline is mature or not is to see whether the basic theory of this discipline is maturing. Because of the late start of macro-control law in China, it is relatively weak in basic theory. From the perspective of social contract theory, this paper attempts to explore the nature of macro-control law, so as to further clarify the field of macro-control, between the market subjects, The relationship between the market subject and the government, and between the citizen's economic right and the government's economic power. Starting from the basic concept and connotation of social contract theory, this paper expounds in detail the essence of macro-control law from the perspective of social contract theory, thus revealing the relationship between government and citizens in the field of macro-control. The paper also points out that the essence of macro-control is the theory of moderate government intervention, and its concrete form is realized through the requirement of equal rights and responsibilities in macro-control. By discussing the main connotation of the spirit of social contract in macro-control law, this paper further analyzes the significance of the spirit of social contract in the construction of a harmonious society with sustainable economic development. And the basic theory of macro-control law to enrich and improve the role. With the awakening of the market subject's right consciousness, people's understanding of the macro-control law is more and more profound, which drives the market subject to abide by the macro-control law and obey the internal reason of the government's macro-control management behavior. It is derived from the recognition of the nature of the social contract of the macro-control law and the economic democracy and fair value contained in the macro-control law. The use of the concept of social contract to examine the macro-control law can effectively dispel the mysterious color shrouded in the macro-control law and thus lay a good foundation for the further development of the macro-control law and the macro-control law.
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