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发布时间:2018-01-03 23:12

  本文关键词:论完善减刑假释制度人权保障的路径 出处:《山东大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 刑事执行变更 减刑制度 假释制度 人权保障

[Abstract]:The penalty execution is the last link of criminal justice, is the last line of defense, social justice and commutation, parole as the criminal execution changes the most important and the most common form of justice, how about the effect is directly related to the society, but also reflects a true level of human rights protection. With the "criminal law amendment (eight)" promulgated, especially the central political and Law Commission in April 2014 issued "on the strict norms commutation, parole, temporary probation and to prevent guidance on judicial corruption, which has exerted great influence on the concept of execution. At the same time to regulate the commutation, parole, temporary probation procedures and strict restrictions on commutation, parole. Two paths for temporary execution outside prison, the embodiment of the three types of criminals felons and strict execution in this trend. Under the background of rule of law, pay more attention to the commutation, parole system to protect human rights problems. This paper from the crime Commutation, parole right protection, the protection of the rights of criminal victims, commutation, parole system of individual consideration, construction of commutation, parole complaint system, improve the transparency of the process of commutation, parole, commutation, parole time management, parole for the protection of human rights and other seven aspects elaborated the path to improve the protection of human rights as criminals. Commutation, parole interested party a party being held due to the long lost personal freedom in prison, the exercise of the rights of the necessary restrictions, as the victim of the commutation, parole the interested party of the other party, the security issues of the right person in the "forgotten" situation for a long time, although for many years judicial the Department introduced a lot of judicial interpretation and regulations, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of criminals. But human rights situation is still at a relatively low level. In the program need further standardized, from the top-level design On the improvement of legislation, the existing commutation, parole procedure reform and improve, strengthen supervision, improve the procedures of relief, improve the commutation, parole publicity, stakeholder participation and ruling Justice, to prevent judicial corruption in the implementation of the penalty, and constantly improve the level of protection of human rights and law enforcement commutation, parole in.



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3 舒z,




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