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发布时间:2018-01-06 12:43

  本文关键词:论刑事诉讼证据裁判原则 出处:《郑州大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 刑事诉讼 证据裁判原则 非法证据排除 证据规则

[Abstract]:The principle of evidence adjudication is a basic principle in the criminal procedure law, which means that the fact of the case must be based on the evidence in the criminal proceedings, that is to say. Criminal justice must be based on evidence. The method of judicial proof in human society has undergone two major changes: the first time is from "divine evidence" to "human witness". The second time is from "witness" to "material evidence". With the continuous progress of human society, the method of judicial proof is more scientific, more in line with the objective law. The principle of evidence adjudication is the final product of this process. The principle of evidence adjudication in criminal proceedings should include the following meaning: 1) the fact to be proved should depend on the evidence, and the fact of the case cannot be ascertained without evidence; (2) the evidence used to prove the facts to be proved shall have the evidentiary capacity, and the evidence which does not possess the evidentiary capacity shall not be used; The evidence used to prove the facts to be proved must be verified by the court. The principle of evidence adjudication requires that the facts of the case should be reasonably judged on the basis of evidence. Judicial staff can not use subjective assumptions or guesses as the basis for determining the facts of the case. In judicial practice, this principle has a very important significance, it can effectively overcome judicial arbitrariness and prevent torture of confessions. Under this kind of request, the judicial staff should determine the facts of the case according to the existing evidence and judge the case strictly in accordance with the law. Many countries in the world have clearly stipulated the principle of evidence adjudication. China's criminal procedure law has basically established this principle. The provisions of our legislation on the principle of evidence adjudication are scattered in the Criminal procedure Law and related judicial interpretation. Relevant provisions only reflect the basic spirit of the principle of evidence adjudication, legislation has not clearly established this principle, and there is not clear standards of proof, evidence rules system is not perfect. At the same time, due to our country's judicature for a long time "emphasis on substance, not the procedure", there are still many practices of violating the principle of evidence adjudication in judicial practice, there are many shortcomings. The principle of evidence adjudication is the core principle of criminal procedure system, for example, the concept of evidence judgment of judicial staff is not strong, the illegal evidence collection behavior is not prohibited, the reasoning system of judgment documents is not perfect and the principle of evidence adjudication is the core principle of the criminal procedure system. It makes the process of determining the facts of the case more scientific, objective and persuasive. Because this principle still has many shortcomings in our criminal procedure legislation and judicial practice, therefore. It is necessary to further study the principle of evidence adjudication in criminal proceedings. This paper starts from the introduction of the basic content of the principle of evidence adjudication, and investigates the principle of evidence adjudication in major foreign countries. At the same time, this paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of applying the principle of evidence adjudication in our country, and puts forward some relevant perfect suggestions. Through the analysis and demonstration, the principle of evidence adjudication can be better applied in our country and establish civilization. The scientific modern judicial concept ensures the fairness and fairness of judicial activities.


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