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发布时间:2018-01-13 14:10

  本文关键词:行政公诉权司法救济公共利益的逻辑证成 出处:《湖南社会科学》2014年05期  论文类型:期刊论文

  更多相关文章: 行政公诉权 司法救济 公共利益 理论基础 逻辑证成

[Abstract]:Along with the public interest litigation idea day by day flourish. The right of administrative public prosecution has increasingly become an important force in the judicial relief of public interests in developed countries with the rule of law in the world. The nature of socialist countries determines that the socialist system of our country is dominated by public ownership. The public interest has a lot of space in our country. However, due to the defects of our legislation, the current administrative litigation system. Administrative supervision system and other institutional arrangements are difficult to effectively safeguard the public interest, which objectively needs a new way to solve the conflict of public interest. The right of administrative public prosecution coincides with the basic principle of judicial relief of public interest. In the face of the severe reality of the lack of effective relief means of public interest, our country should base itself on the actual situation and rationally learn from the advanced legislation of other countries. As soon as possible through the amendment of the administrative procedure law to give procuratorial organs administrative public prosecution power.
【作者单位】: 湖南省人民检察院;
【正文快照】: 行政公诉权是架构公共利益和司法救济的桥梁和纽带。公共利益之所以需要通过行政公诉权予以司法救济,是因为司法救济在维护公共利益方面具有独特的功能。一则公共利益主体的抽象性和模糊性需要公共权力的介入;二则公共利益涉及不特定多数人的利益,它关乎公民基本人权和政府权


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2 谢志强;行政公诉权理论依据解构[J];国家检察官学院学报;2003年04期


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