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发布时间:2018-01-14 13:00

  本文关键词:论我国刑事审判中交叉询问制度的完善 出处:《辽宁大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 刑事审判 交叉询问 刑事辩护 程序规则

[Abstract]:Under the litigant mode of Anglo-American law system, cross-examination system is regarded as an important "engine" to find out the true situation of the case. In 1996, our criminal procedure law was amended for the first time. It is in this revision, the cross-examination system of our initial model, at the same time, the revision of the trial mode has also changed, that is, the beginning of the shift from the doctrine of authority to the party doctrine. The academic research on cross-questioning system began to be independent and specialized, and the articles and monographs of cross-questioning system appeared one after another. In 2012, our country revised the criminal procedure law for the second time. The related system of cross-examination has been improved, such as lawyer defense system, witness court system, legal aid system and so on. This further provides the conditions for the establishment of cross-questioning system in China. This paper starts with the connotation and function of cross-questioning and introduces the development of the system in the representative countries of the United States and Japan. To study the shortcomings of cross-examination system in our country's criminal trial. The paper is divided into four parts: the first part mainly introduces the concept and function of cross-questioning system. Generally speaking. There are two main concepts of cross-questioning: broad sense and narrow sense. This paper discusses the concept of cross-questioning from a broad sense. The system of cross-questioning has three main functions: first, discovering facts; The second is to protect the rights of the defendant to the maximum extent; The second part of the introduction of the extraterritorial representative countries, including the United States and Japan's cross-inquiry system, summed up our country in the improvement of this system can be used for reference. The system of cross-questioning in the United States is mainly introduced from the subject, order, object, system guarantee, rules and so on. The introduction to the system of cross-inquiry in Japan starts with the differences between Japan and Anglo-American law countries. This paper mainly discusses the differences in the development of the system in Japan. Finally, the author compares the cross-inquiry system between the United States and Japan to draw lessons for our country to perfect the system. The third part mainly points out the exchange between China and Japan. The problems existing in the system of cross-questioning. In view of the problems existing in the third part, the author puts forward the solution and the perfect conception in the 4th part.


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