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发布时间:2018-01-16 20:10

  本文关键词:行政审判一并审理民事争议探析 出处:《兰州大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 民行关联案件 审理模式 一并审理

[Abstract]:In other expositions, the related cases of the people's Bank are called the intersecting cases of the people, the cases of the interleaving of the people's actions or the cases of the overlapping of the people's actions. It is a hot and difficult issue in the administrative trial. After the revised "Administrative procedure Law" stipulates the mode of administrative trial to try civil disputes together, this paper uses the term "people's behavior related cases". From a broader point of view, the concept of civil and commercial related cases is expounded, and the causes of civil and commercial related cases are summarized as the civil and commercial subject qualifications granted by the administrative organs from the angle of the way of civil activities of administrative organs. The administrative organ authorizes the civil and commercial behavior, the administrative organ confirms the civil and commercial law fact and the legal relation, the administrative organ participates in the civil and commercial activities directly, the administrative organ adjudicates the civil and commercial dispute in five main aspects. According to the need of analyzing the trial mode of the related cases of the people's Bank of China, it is the first question of civil action to divide the related cases into administrative acts, and the issue of disputes in civil cases is the basic fact of the administrative acts. Civil disputes and administrative disputes have the same basic facts, because of the settlement of civil disputes and administrative decisions, civil subjects and administrative organs to the same damage to the administrative counterpart should bear five types of liability for compensation. The second part of the article mainly introduces the main extraterritorial countries such as France, Germany, Japan. In Taiwan and in the main countries of Anglo-American legal system, there are three kinds of modes, namely, parallel mode and preliminary mode, for the related cases of civil conduct in terms of the legal system and the practical operation. Collateral patterns are summarized. It also analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the three models and the existing problems. The third part of the article is the third part of the revised "Administrative procedure Law" proposed the construction and improvement of the trial model. Compared with the previous exposition and words such as "cross" and "overlap", the revised Administrative procedure Law is limited to "relevant" civil dispute. The "relevance" here should be understood from a broader perspective, as long as the civil disputes tried together can overcome the defects such as wasting judicial resources in separate trials, inconveniencing litigants and leading to contradictions in adjudication. Should be considered as "relevant civil disputes", to be tried together, and "civil conduct related cases" this term is also to reflect the legal provisions of the "settlement of relevant civil disputes" the expression of unity. This viewpoint runs through all aspects of the full text. The article holds that the administrative division of the people's court has no legal, theoretical, practical obstacles to civil disputes. There is no need to limit the need for joint trial of civil disputes attached to administrative cases. The article to deal with civil disputes to solve the practical issues as the starting point, the jurisdiction of the case under trial. At the same time the application, case acceptance fees, evidence, whether divided into cases, trial organization, court proceedings, adjudication methods, appeal cases are discussed in detail. In the conclusion, the author puts forward. Three conditions are needed to implement and play a greater role in the joint trial system: first, to understand the "relevance" of the cases related to the civil conduct in a broader perspective in the judicial trial; Second, the research on the cases related to civil conduct in substantive law can not be stopped; Third, it needs judicial practice to actively explore and summarize the mode of trial together.


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