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发布时间:2018-01-27 02:29

  本文关键词: 录音录像制度 问题 对策 出处:《中国社会科学院研究生院》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The human rights protection of criminal suspects has been paid close attention to all the time. How to effectively reduce the public power in the process of crime control to criminal suspects brought rights infringement is the direction of criminal proceedings. Audio and video recording system in China has a dual function of punishing crime and protecting human rights. Faced with the problem of how to balance the two, the investigation organs in the past because of the concept of human rights protection is not in place. The amendment to the Code of Criminal procedure of 2012 provided for the first time that "respect for and protection of human rights" and the system of audio and video recording were expressly provided for. More and more attention has been paid to the human rights protection function of audio and video recording system. However, at this stage, the exercise of audio and video recording is entirely in the hands of investigative organs. Neither a judge as a judge nor a lawyer for the defence has the right to review or make recommendations. In the past, under the "investigation-centric" mode of litigation, the system of separation of criminal detention has not yet been established. The excessive length of criminal detention and the incomplete separation of the trial and video recording make the audio and video recording system play a significant role. Because of the power of investigation is too strong and the lack of monitoring measures. The audio and video recording system in the process of investigation and interrogation is easy to be out of control, which leads to the criminal suspects to be induced to confess, forced confessions and so on, and restricted by the rules of audio and video playback. In the course of trial, the utilization rate of audio and video recording is not high, which causes the audio and video recording system to be neglected in practice. The innovation of this paper is under the background of the lawsuit system reform of "taking trial as the center". Taking the protection of human rights as the core, this paper attempts to reconstruct the audio and video recording system to provide ideas for solving many problems existing at the present stage. The author suggests the establishment of a neutral department in charge of audio and video recording. Make full use of the advanced network and video surveillance technology, and supplemented by the neutral detention place, improve the evidence system, shorten the detention time and other supporting systems, so as to promote the audio and video recording system in the process of criminal proceedings to play a greater role. Further improve the neutrality of audio and video recording, prevent the abuse of investigative power, realize the audio and video recording system from the protection of detection to safeguard litigation, and finally realize the protection of human rights.


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