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发布时间:2018-01-30 19:45

  本文关键词: 金融消费者 非诉机制 诉讼机制 出处:《江西财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:伴随着全球经济不断加快发展与融合,例如金融产品这种高端却不普遍的消费产品都开始作为普通商品一样,走进各家各户。人们开始接受它并且将其作为投资理财的载体,思考与研究如何才能在其中获取最大的利润。所以金融业的发展可谓是蒸蒸日上,但是2008年的一次始于美国华尔街其影响波及全世界的次贷金融危机,却给这个一直以来势头强劲的新型行业敲醒了警钟。随后世界的主要经济主体和国家包括中国在内,采取各种措施渐渐走出了金融危机给各国带来的经济萧条、监管混乱的局面。但是也不能忽略此次影响力巨大的金融危机爆发背后的真正缘由,究其原因即美国政府对金融业监管方式不严,金融服务机构滥用自己的信用却将信用风险最终转嫁到金融消费者身上。在这个缘由与背景之下,各自开始展开了对金融消费者权益保护的讨论与改革。针对金融消费者权益保护最关键的是从实体利益开始规制一套完整而且严密的程序机制。 本文立足与金融消费者保护相关的问题,从程序机制的角度出发,运用了比较研究的方法,针对几个具有典型意义的发达国家对金融消费者保护程序机制进行了系统性的研究,并在此基础上,分析汇总了几种模式,再结合我国金融消费者保护的问题现状,提出了对我国构建与完善金融消费者保护的整体性、全面性、层次性的建议。 本文主要分为以下的四个部分: 第一部分,主要是提出对“金融消费者”应该如何予以准确的定义,并且梳理了我国从建国初期到改革开放再到现代化的今天,我国金融消费者法律保护制度的历史发展过程。这就有利于我们归纳总结出我国金融消费者保护与发展应该继续遵循的大致方向。 第二部分,提出了我国目前金融消费者程序救济机制中存在的主要问题。针对替代性纠纷解决机制与诉讼程序机制中,存在的程序设计的纰漏与缺陷,做了具体的阐明。针对问题才有利于解决问题。 第三部分,结合了美国、英国、日本、德国等具体的程序设计的情况,进行了总结,归纳出了几种特定的纠纷解决模式。通过了解国外的情况,再结合我国的具体国情,取其精华、去其糟粕。为我国构建与完善本土的金融消费者保护的程序机制提供了灵感与意见。 第四部分,在针对前文比较研究的基础之上,再针对我国金融消费者保护程序机制上存在的诸多问题,分别给出相关的完善建议,并从我国的现状出发,提出完善消费者保护制度构建中的现阶段与最终阶段的目标与设想。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development and integration of the global economy, such as financial products, such as high-end but not universal consumer products are beginning to be the same as ordinary goods. People begin to accept it and use it as the carrier of investment and finance, and think and study how to get the maximum profit in it. So the development of financial industry is booming day by day. But in 2008, a subprime financial crisis that began on Wall Street and affected the world. Then the world's main economic body and countries, including China, took various measures to gradually emerge from the financial crisis brought about by the economic depression around the world. Regulatory chaos. But we can not ignore the impact of the financial crisis behind the real cause, the reason is that the U. S. government is not strict with the financial sector regulation. Financial service institutions abuse their own credit but ultimately transfer the credit risk to financial consumers. The key to the protection of financial consumers' rights and interests is to regulate a set of complete and strict procedural mechanism from the perspective of real interests. Based on the problems related to the protection of financial consumers and from the point of view of the procedural mechanism, this paper uses the method of comparative research. Aiming at several typical developed countries, this paper makes a systematic research on the mechanism of financial consumer protection procedure, and on this basis, analyzes and aggregates several models. Combined with the current situation of financial consumer protection in China, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the construction and improvement of financial consumer protection in our country as a whole, as a whole, as a whole and as a whole. This paper is divided into the following four parts: The first part mainly puts forward how to define "financial consumer" accurately, and combs our country from the beginning of founding to the reform and opening up to the modernization of today. The historical development process of the legal protection system for financial consumers in China is helpful for us to sum up the general direction that should be followed in the protection and development of financial consumers in our country. The second part puts forward the main problems existing in the financial consumer procedure relief mechanism in our country at present. Aiming at the defects and defects of the procedure design in the alternative dispute resolution mechanism and the litigation procedure mechanism. Make a specific clarification. To solve the problem is conducive to solve the problem. The third part, combined with the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany and other specific program design, summarized, summed up several specific dispute resolution models. Through understanding the situation abroad. Combining with the specific conditions of our country, we take the essence and discard the dregs and provide inspiration and advice for our country to construct and perfect the procedural mechanism of local financial consumer protection. In the 4th part, on the basis of the previous comparative study, and then in view of many problems in the mechanism of financial consumer protection procedures in China, respectively, the relevant suggestions are given, and proceed from the current situation of our country. The aim and assumption of consummating consumer protection system at present and in the final stage are put forward.


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