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发布时间:2018-01-31 12:58

  本文关键词: 羁押 职权配置 司法权 出处:《上海交通大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文尝试从职权合理配置的角度入手分析我国羁押制度的弊病和改革路径。我国的羁押制度目前存在诸多问题,主要表现在羁押的审查、羁押期限的延长、羁押场所的管理以及羁押的救济等方面。晚清和民国时期我国曾引入过近代意义上的羁押制度,,但该制度于新中国建立后被废弃。制度上的空白与历史文化传统的共同因素造成了我国羁押制度目前的局面。 参考关于羁押制度的主流观点和国外的一些共通做法可以发现,西方国家较为成熟的羁押制度都是以司法权为核心来配置职权的,并在原则上倾向于保障犯罪嫌疑人和被告人的权益,将羁押作为一种“最后的手段”。因此,有许多研究都认为我国的羁押制度也应当围绕司法权来构建。 以司法权为核心来配置羁押制度的各项职权总体上来说是合理的,司法权的中立性有利于维护犯罪嫌疑人和被告人的权益。但通过进一步分析就能发现,司法权在羁押制度中的作用也存在短板。由于司法权以一种二元体系为判断标准,使其在一些条件模糊的情况下具有不充分性。在羁押制度中,这种不充分性主要表现在对羁押审查时的危险性预测上。因此,以围绕司法权构建的羁押制度在优化职权配置时需要进一步拆分权力,并将利益权衡作为司法权二元判断的补充。 在上述分析的基础上,本文最后也从职权配置优化的角度对羁押制度的改革提出了一些看法。由于考虑到我国羁押制度与国外成熟的制度相比有较大差距,因此在对其进行改造时应当循序渐进。本文将我国羁押制度的改革分成了两个阶段:第一阶段是围绕司法权来配置羁押制度的各项职权,这一步主要为了解决我国羁押现状中的一些突出问题,如自侦自羁、超期羁押等。此外,本文还认为应当将司法行政机关引入羁押制度中承担羁押场所的管理职能。第二阶段是在第一阶段的基础上进一步对我国羁押制度职权配置进行优化,主要目标是拆分羁押的司法审查权,由公安机关、司法行政部门及社会民众等多个主体参与到审查程序中来,降低司法权的二元判断比例,通过利益权衡的方法追求羁押审查的合理化。同时对我国的取保候审制度进行改造,使其成为一个接近国外保释制度的羁押救济制度。
[Abstract]:This paper tries to analyze the maladies and reform paths of our country's custody system from the angle of rational allocation of power. There are many problems in our country's custody system, mainly in the examination of custody and the extension of detention period. In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the custody system in the modern sense was introduced. However, the system was abandoned after the establishment of New China. The gap in the system and the common factors of historical, cultural and traditional causes the present situation of the detention system in China. Referring to the mainstream view on the detention system and some common practices abroad, we can find that the more mature custody system in western countries is the judicial power as the core to allocate the functions and powers. In principle, we tend to protect the rights and interests of criminal suspects and defendants, and take custody as a "last resort". Therefore, many studies believe that the custody system of our country should also be built around judicial power. Judicial power as the core of the allocation of custody system is generally reasonable, the neutrality of judicial power is conducive to the protection of the rights and interests of criminal suspects and defendants, but through further analysis can be found. The role of judicial power in the custody system also has shortcomings. Because the judicial power is based on a dualistic system, it is not sufficient in some fuzzy conditions. Such inadequacies are mainly manifested in the risk prediction of custody review. Therefore, the custody system built around judicial power needs to split the power further when it optimizes the allocation of functions and powers. The balance of interests is taken as a supplement to the dualistic judgment of judicial power. On the basis of the above analysis, this paper also puts forward some views on the reform of custody system from the perspective of optimizing the allocation of powers. Considering that there is a big gap between China's detention system and foreign mature system. The reform of the detention system in China is divided into two stages: the first stage is to allocate the powers and powers of the detention system around the judicial power. The main purpose of this step is to solve some outstanding problems in the present situation of detention in our country, such as self-detection, extended detention and so on. This article also believes that the judicial administrative organs should be introduced into the custody system to assume the management function of the detention place. The second stage is to further optimize the allocation of the power of custody system on the basis of the first stage. The main goal is to split custody of judicial review power, by the public security organs, judicial administration departments and the public and other subjects to participate in the review process to reduce the proportion of judicial power of dual judgment. The rationalization of custody review is pursued through the method of balancing interests, and the system of bail awaiting trial in our country is reformed to make it a relief system of custody close to that of foreign bail system.


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