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发布时间:2018-02-04 05:17

  本文关键词: 恶意诉讼 侵权行为 侵权损害赔偿 诚实信用 法律规制 出处:《重庆大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】: 随着我国经济的迅速发展和社会的不断进步,公民的权利意识不断提高,法律的社会功能随之增强,诉讼作为实现公民权利最终和最重要的手段也越来越受到人们的关注和重视。然而,事物皆有两面。在保障当事人诉权的同时若不对其权利的行使予以合理限制,就必然存在权利滥用的风险。一旦滥用成为现实,恶意诉讼便会产生并日益泛滥。不仅严重侵害特定法律主体的合法权益,同时也扰乱正常的诉讼秩序,对司法公正与权威、诉讼价值构成直接冲击,成为名副其实的社会公害。 本论文旨在研究民事恶意诉讼法律规制的基本问题,为彻底消除这一社会公害献计献策。其主要内容由以下几个部分组成:第一部分研究的是民事恶意诉讼的基本含义,包括民事恶意诉讼的概念、性质、特征及其构成要件。第二部分描述了我国民事恶意诉讼的现状及危害,并着重分析其形成原因,以便对症下药。第三部分在强调规制民事恶意诉讼必要性的基础上,重点介绍了大陆法系与英美法系主要国家规制民事恶意诉讼的法律对策,以便为我国构建并完善相关制度提供参考。第四部分结合我国司法实践,在借鉴其他国家或地区法律对策的基础上,对如何完善我国民事恶意诉讼的法律规制提出了合理建议。主张从宏观到微观、一般到特殊、模糊规范到确定规范,多角度、全方位地构建具体周密、科学合理的规制系统。做到程序法和实体法相配合、民事规制与刑事规制相结合,共同发挥遏制恶意诉讼的功能。在审查起诉阶段,法院可以通过裁定不予受理或驳回起诉将一部分恶意起诉行为过滤下来;审判过程中,法院可以直接驳回其诉讼请求或确认行为无效,也可以通知利害关系人直接参与诉讼维护自身合法权益;法院做出否定裁判之后,受害人或公诉机关还可另行提起诉讼,追究恶意诉讼者的侵权赔偿责任或其它法律责任。如果损害程度较轻,法庭可以直接采取罚款、拘留、赔礼道歉等程序性措施予以规制;如果造成的损失超出了受害人理应承担的诉讼成本,则受害方可以通过提起侵权损害赔偿之诉,要求对方承担民事赔偿责任;如果秩 ?褚饨洗蠡蚯榻谘现匾灾劣诖シ感谭?则应追究相应的刑事责任。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of our economy and social progress, citizens' awareness of rights has been improved, and the social function of the law has been enhanced. Litigation as the ultimate and most important means to realize civil rights has been paid more and more attention. There are two sides in everything. If the litigant's right of action is protected and the exercise of its right is not restricted reasonably, there will be the risk of abuse of the right. Once the abuse becomes a reality. Malicious litigation will come into being and spread day by day. It not only seriously infringes the legal rights and interests of specific legal subjects, but also disturbs the normal litigation order, which has a direct impact on judicial justice and authority, and the value of litigation. Become a social hazard worthy of the name. The purpose of this paper is to study the basic issues of legal regulation of civil malicious litigation. In order to eliminate this social hazard, the main content is composed of the following parts: the first part is the basic meaning of civil malicious litigation, including the concept and nature of civil malicious litigation. The second part describes the current situation and harm of civil malicious litigation in China, and emphatically analyzes the reasons for its formation. The third part emphasizes the necessity of regulating civil malicious litigation, and introduces the legal countermeasures of civil malicious litigation in the main countries of civil law system and common law system. In order to provide a reference for our country to build and improve the relevant system. 4th part combined with our judicial practice in reference to other countries or regions on the basis of legal countermeasures. It puts forward reasonable suggestions on how to perfect the legal regulation of civil malicious litigation in our country. It advocates from macro to micro, from general to special, from fuzzy norms to determinate norms, from many angles to all directions to construct concrete and thorough. Scientific and reasonable regulatory system. To achieve procedural law and substantive law in coordination, civil regulation and criminal regulation combined to play a role in containing malicious litigation. In the review of prosecution stage. The court may filter out a portion of the malicious prosecution by ruling that it is inadmissible or rejecting the complaint; In the course of the trial, the court may directly reject its litigation request or confirm the invalidity of the action, or notify the interested parties to participate directly in the lawsuit to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests; After the court makes a negative decision, the victim or the public prosecution can also bring a separate action to investigate the tort liability or other legal liability of the malicious litigant. If the degree of damage is less serious, the court can directly take a fine. Detention, apology and other procedural measures to regulate; If the damage caused exceeds the litigation cost that the victim should bear, the aggrieved party may demand the other party to bear the civil liability for compensation by filing a lawsuit for tort damages. If the rank? Chu ton wash Li Li the earth on his desk, the plaque is bad, the disaster is bad, and the feeling is that he is in the Tan? The corresponding criminal responsibility should be investigated.


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1 刘洋;论恶意诉讼的法律规制[D];河南大学;2011年

2 侯子龙;恶意民事诉讼初探[D];中国政法大学;2011年

3 明智;专利恶意诉讼问题研究[D];中国政法大学;2011年

4 范哲群;民事恶意诉讼及其法律规制研究[D];华东政法大学;2012年

5 杨莉;论民事恶意诉讼的程序法规制[D];安徽大学;2013年

6 谭福为;论恶意诉讼的法律规制[D];辽宁大学;2013年




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