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发布时间:2018-02-04 14:10

  本文关键词: 国家责任 刑事赔偿 刑事补偿 《中华人民共和国国家赔偿法》 出处:《学习与探索》2015年11期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:China's State compensation Law establishes the system of criminal compensation, but the law does not distinguish between violations of the law by the judiciary and its staff. As long as damage is done to the relative party, the state is liable for compensation, and there is no criminal liability for compensation. The judges will be in Germany, Japan and Taiwan. The situation of procurator's illegal trial or prosecution of a crime is distinguished from the situation of damage caused by lawful criminal coercive measures or wrongful execution of penalty in the course of criminal proceedings. Under the two circumstances, according to different legal basis to bear different responsibilities. Considering the particularity of criminal proceedings, it is suggested that China should learn from this dualistic model. The judicial organs and their staff members who illegally exercise their functions and powers infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of citizens, legal persons and other organizations and cause damage, the state shall bear the liability for criminal compensation; If the lawful criminal coercive measures taken in the course of criminal proceedings are subsequently decided to withdraw the case, if the case is not prosecuted or if the verdict of acquittal terminates the investigation of criminal responsibility, or if the criminal responsibility is investigated in accordance with the procedure of trial supervision, the trial shall be revised to acquittal. Where the original sentence has been executed, the State shall bear the responsibility for criminal compensation.
【作者单位】: 北京师范大学法学院;
【正文快照】: 一、中国刑事赔偿制度的确立国家机关行使公权力,无论合法或不合法,均有可能给公民的自由权利造成损害。中国台湾地区有如下理论主张,认为在法治国家中,对人民因此所受之不利益,皆产生应如何以财产给付予以弥补之问题。因公权力不合法之行使,致个别人民受有不利益,而由国家以


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