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发布时间:2018-02-09 22:28

  本文关键词: 二审 民事案件 独任制 司法改革 出处:《法律适用》2017年09期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:The expansion of the single appointment system to the second instance accords with the inherent law of the civil trial organization and has inherent legitimacy. Therefore, on the one hand, the rational expansion of the sole appointment system to the second instance should be the core to reconstruct the second instance civil trial organization system. That is to say, we should decouple the singleton system from the summary procedure and add the single system common procedure; On the other hand, in the process of judicial reform, the combination of "single appointment system" and "post system", "team system" and "responsibility system" should be taken as the emphasis to realize the rational construction of the trial organization of the second instance single-appointment system.
【作者单位】: 山东省淄博市中级人民法院审判委员会办公室;


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1 北京市第一中级人民法院 周军;独任制审判组织适用范围的适度扩张[N];人民法院报;2007年

2 王静;行政诉讼简易程序势在必行[N];江苏法制报;2006年

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1 张茜;论民事诉讼中的独任制[D];中国政法大学;2015年

2 李亚男;论独任制适用范围的扩张[D];河南大学;2016年

3 吕速;论民事诉讼中的独任制[D];西南政法大学;2004年

4 赵雪静;论我国民事诉讼独任制的适用范围[D];广东商学院;2012年




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