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发布时间:2018-02-15 05:14

  本文关键词: 死刑复核 法律援助 强制辩护 权利救济 出处:《中南林业科技大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The death penalty is the most severe penalty, once carried out, there is no room for recovery and remedy. The death penalty review procedure is a special review and approval procedure in China, which was originally set up to implement the criminal policy of "less killing" and "careful killing". In 2012, the amended Criminal procedure Law established the right of the lawyer to intervene in the death penalty review procedure by way of legislation for the first time, and perfected the death penalty review procedure to a great extent. There are still problems such as lack of legal rules, lack of recognition of the status of defense lawyers, difficulties for lawyers in exercising their rights to meet, read papers, investigate and obtain evidence, and lack of legal aid, etc. This makes it difficult for the death penalty review procedure to protect the legal rights of the accused, and the root of these problems lies in the disregard of the right to life of the citizens, the strong administrative style of written examination and approval, and the imbalance in the allocation of judicial resources. There are fewer lawyers engaged in the business of death penalty review. The right of lawyers to intervene in the death penalty review procedure should be safeguarded, the legitimate rights and interests of the accused should be safeguarded, and the right of defense counsel in the death penalty review procedure should be clearly defined to avoid the occurrence of unjust and false cases. It is necessary to reform the procedure of death penalty review in a limited way, establish the system of compulsory defense of death penalty review procedure, perfect the system of legal aid, strengthen the guarantee of the right of defense in the procedure, and realize the function of the procedure of death penalty review.


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