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发布时间:2018-02-24 11:31

  本文关键词: 行政不作为 受案范围 实证分析 出处:《甘肃政法学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, in the process of social transformation, administrative omission cases emerge in endlessly. This paper focuses on administrative omission cases, using statistical analysis, case studies, Comparative analysis and other methods of empirical analysis of these cases. For any problem of empirical analysis, It is necessary to understand the key terms in this paper. The empirical analysis of the scope of accepting cases of administrative omission needs to grasp the connotation and constituent elements of administrative omission. The new Administrative procedure Law, which has been expecting for a long time, to a certain extent. Expanded the acceptance of cases of administrative omission, However, there are still limitations in the scope of accepting cases for administrative omission. In the court system, when trying cases of administrative omission, in addition to strictly following the provisions of the law, The scope of accepting a case of this kind of case should be grasped in combination with the academic theory explanation. This paper makes a detailed analysis of the four academic interpretations of the academic field. Based on the understanding of the connotation and the constituent elements of the administrative omission, Focusing on the administrative omission cases on the Internet of China's adjudicative documents, the author makes an empirical analysis of nine specific types of administrative omission cases in China. The empirical analysis is based on the basic facts of the case and the judgment of the court of first instance. The analysis of the judgments of the court of second instance, etc., makes the classification of the cases involved in the analysis more comprehensive. The final part of the article. Based on the above detailed empirical analysis of the specific types of administrative omission cases. Understand the existing administrative omission cases in China. Based on the details of the analysis, Finally, the author hopes to arouse the attention of this problem. Whether it is the judicial practice or the scholars of administrative law, they should pay close attention to the scope of the cases of administrative omission.


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