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发布时间:2018-02-26 04:07

  本文关键词: 刑事附带民事 赔偿 制度 出处:《江西财经大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the equal civil subjects, infringe civil rights caused by breach of contract or tort behavior, should bear corresponding civil liability law, which include direct property compensation, compensation for personal injury and mental damage compensation, the remedy of infringement is comprehensive enough. But in the criminal case. The legal relief is limited. According to the thirty-sixth article of the criminal law of our country and the criminal procedure law ninety-ninth provisions of the first paragraph, the victim can file an incidental civil action of direct material losses due to crime, but not on the stolen property or spiritual damages incidental civil action. The author believes that the criminal is not only violation of state law expressly provides for the protection of the object of the crime, the victim is the spirit, body and property caused immeasurable loss. Therefore the defendant in accordance with Law should bear corresponding penalty provisions of the criminal law, should bear the liability for civil compensation to the victim, perform the obligation of compensation. The law should support the victims of the full relief, but not because of the limitations of the crime suffered material losses. This paper is divided into four chapters: the introduction briefly introduces the research object, the social background, the need of research etc. the first chapter introduces the criminal incidental civil procedure, litigation parties and the status, role of subject, object of action, in the course of the proceedings, in order to guarantee the procedure and the execution procedure smoothly, preservation measures taken. As soon as the end procedure is not long, after the court shall make a judgment according to different circumstances, ruling through mediation or limitations. In the second chapter, the current criminal incidental civil action for compensation for direct material damage caused by criminal acts, the criminal The relief of victims is far insufficient. Civil compensation litigation should be expanded, thorough to the victim's legal rights, and the indirect losses caused by criminal behavior, mental damage, the stolen property cannot restitution loss compensation by civil litigation. In the third chapter, the current around the court on criminal incidental civil compensation standard is not the same, sometimes more consideration of outside factors, such as the defendant's compensation ability, perform difficult degree. And the practical and theoretical circles on the standard of compensation is not a recognized. Some people advocate the criminal incidental civil action for compensation, or the nature of civil compensation, and compensation standard and more consistent. People think that because of the crime has been the most severe criminal penalty, the civil compensation standard is appropriate to reduce some. But the author thinks that it is because of the implementation of the crime A crime, causing huge losses to the victim, for the punishment of the perpetrator, and comfort the victim, execute punitive damages of crime, criminal incidental civil litigation should be higher than the standard of compensation for civil compensation standard. The fourth chapter for the determination of the criminal incidental civil action for compensation, should not remain on paper, and to be truly fulfilled. But due to the crime for the crime to accept the penalty, which itself has no property available for execution, the execution of the family does not understand, do not match, resulting compensation can not be honored. The legitimate rights and interests of victims can not get effective relief, often some human life cannot guarantee. To get relief and petition, complaint, caused by all kinds of social problems. For the better relief of criminal victims, should establish a national compensation system for criminal behavior first, temporarily unable to compensate people, The first compensation by the state, by the state to the crime of recourse. Conclusion. In order to better play the role of criminal incidental civil lawsuit system, it is necessary for China's criminal incidental civil action to improve, expand the scope of criminal incidental civil action for compensation, and the scope of civil litigation compensation. To punish the crime effectively the prevention of crime, crime of punitive compensation, the compensation standard should be higher than the standard of compensation for civil litigation. The perpetrator cannot compensation in place, should establish a national first compensation mechanism, to ensure the rights of criminal victims to get full relief, to better maintain social stability and build a harmonious society.



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