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发布时间:2018-02-27 16:20

  本文关键词: 知识产权诉讼 科学证据 证据规则 事实认定 出处:《华侨大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As far as litigation practice is concerned, especially those related to intellectual property rights, because of the intervention of high technology and the application of scientific evidence, the traditional fact finding strategy is changing. That is to say, authentication is regarded as the core basis of proof in the past, and physical evidence or scientific evidence is regarded as the core basis of proof. When Damase talked about the future trend of evidence, he discussed the realization of scientific judgment based on facts. He Jiahong also stated that scientific evidence will lead the future. This shows that the system of evidence will be improved. Misdemeanours will be minimized and justice will be maximized. However, scientific evidence brings the truth at the same time, It also brings many puzzles and challenges. It is mainly reflected in the collection, preservation, cross-examination and confirmation of scientific evidence in the face of the complicated scientific evidence of intellectual property infringement litigation. In order to solve the problems brought about by scientific evidence, This paper will discuss how to scientifically construct and perfect the system of scientific evidence rules in intellectual property litigation, hoping that the scientific basis can be reasonably recognized according to the scientific evidence rules, and finally the ruling can reach justice. If the introduction and conclusion are not included, they can be divided into four parts. The first part: an overview of intellectual property litigation and the rules of evidence of scientific nature, etc., which define the connotation of litigation related to intellectual property, Introducing the concept of scientific evidence, discriminating with expert testimony and expert opinion, pointing out the particularity of intellectual property scientific evidence, In order to better define the rules of scientific evidence. Part two: proceeding with proceedings relating to intellectual property and rules of evidence of a scientific nature. According to the process of evidence application and the characteristics of scientific evidence, the structure of scientific evidence rule is divided into three parts: scientific evidence collection rule, cross-examination rule and authentication rule. The special rules which are different from the general rules of evidence are summarized respectively. Therefore, for the purpose of this paper, the rules of collecting evidence of scientific nature and the rules of obtaining evidence for the types of traps are collected. As far as scientific evidence is concerned, the rules of cross-examination of disclosure type and preservation type are to analyze the rules of human cross-examination, which are related to scientific evidence. The rules of authentication are to analyze the basic rules of authentication and the rules of evidence of superiority. Part three: whether or not to use the rules of evidence of scientific nature in domestic intellectual property litigation. Analysis. And focusing on the rules of type of collection in scientific evidence, Rules for cross-examination types and authentication types, Analysis of the respective problems in these rules. Part 4th: rules required to improve scientific evidence in domestic and intellectual property litigation. In order to solve the problems encountered in the application of the rules on scientific evidence in intellectual property rights, The text tries to put forward some suggestions to perfect the rules of scientific evidence collection and cross-examination, and draws lessons from the Dobert rule of the United States to construct and perfect the existing rules of scientific evidence certification in intellectual property litigation.


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