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发布时间:2018-02-27 23:37

  本文关键词: 检察长会议 政法工作会议 强省目标 检察工作 检察机关 打击犯罪 检察人员 政治安全 刑事诉讼制度 检务公开  出处:《人民检察》2017年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:In 2017, the procuratorial organs in Henan should thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Central Committee, the Provincial Committee's political and legal work Conference and the National Conference of Procurator-General, in accordance with the overall goal of "building a strong procuratorial province in an all-round way" established by the Provincial "14 Procuratorate" meeting. Make overall plans to promote the construction of the "five strong powers" with strong politics, strong business, strong team, strong security and strong management, conscientiously perform their procuratorial duties, provide strong judicial support for building a strong economic province, completing a decisive victory and an overall well-off society, and allowing the Central Plains to make a more outstanding appearance. Focus on the goal of building a strong economic province, ensure the steady and healthy development of the economy according to law, make a concerted effort to crack down on crime and resolve risks, and maintain stability.
【作者单位】: 河南省人民检察院;


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