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发布时间:2018-03-02 00:10

  本文关键词: 庭前会议 审前准备程序 争点 证据 出处:《贵州民族大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年,民事司法改革日益受到人们的重视。其中,民事审判方式改革更是引来了众多学者的研究。20世纪90年代,人们的关注点一直停留在审前程序的构建上,而没有更深层次地进入到审前会议制度本身的研究,直到21世纪人们才开始对庭前会议制度进行探索。本文运用概念分析的方法分析阐述了庭前会议制度与相关制度的关系,把握庭前会议制度的内涵;通过比较分析与文献分析的方法综合研究域外庭前会议制度的相关内容;再运用实证分析法分析我国对庭前会议制度进行的试点,论证在我国构建庭前会议制度及其构建的必要性与可行性。通过以上研究以期对我国庭前会议制度的学术研究和立法构建有所贡献。文章共三部分。 第一章从审前会议的含义、历史沿革、与相关程序的关系和价值、功能着手对审前会议制度进行概述。通过概述对庭前会议制度有了进一步的了解,进而对该制度在我国的构建抱有一定的期待。 第二章主要是对两大法系庭前会议制度进行了分析研究。任何一项制度的设置都应该有其存在的条件和基础,本文通过比较两大法系庭前会议制度的优点与不足,并结合我国的具体国情进行分析阐释,从而说明该项制度在我国民事诉讼法中进行设置具有其存在的条件、环境,,是可行的。 第三章主要探讨构建我国审前会议制度的具体思路。文章从构建庭前会议制度的必要性、可行性及其要遵循的原则入手对我国构建庭前会议制度进行了深入探讨,并在此基础上对庭前会议制度适用范围的确定、适用主体的明确、庭前会议方式和次数、该制度该如何进行运作以及结束后的效力等方面进行论述,通过具体的设计,呈现了一个较为系统的民事诉讼庭前会议制度的轮廓。最后,为了使庭前会议制度更能有效发挥作用,文章对与其相关的答辩失权制度、举证时限制度、法官释明权和人民检察监督等进行了改进论述。他们与庭前会议相互配合,在审前准备程序中相互作用,从而形成较为完美的审前程序。
[Abstract]:In recent years, people pay more and more attention to the reform of civil justice, among which, the reform of civil trial method has attracted many scholars' research. In 90s, people's focus has been on the construction of pretrial procedure. It was not until 21th century that people began to explore the pretrial conference system. This paper analyzes the relationship between the pretrial conference system and the related system by using the method of conceptual analysis. Grasp the connotation of the pre-court meeting system; through comparative analysis and literature analysis methods to comprehensively study the relevant contents of the extraterritorial pretrial conference system; and then use the empirical analysis method to analyze the pilot of the pre-court conference system in China. This paper demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of constructing the pre-court conference system in China. The purpose of the above research is to contribute to the academic research and legislative construction of the pre-court conference system in China. There are three parts of the article. The first chapter begins with an overview of the pretrial conference system from the perspective of its meaning, historical evolution, relationship and value with relevant procedures, and its functions. Then the system in our country has certain expectations. The second chapter is mainly about the analysis and study of the pre-court conference system of the two major legal systems. The establishment of any system should have its existing conditions and foundation, this paper compares the advantages and disadvantages of the pre-court conference system between the two major legal systems. It is feasible to set up this system in the civil procedure law of our country under the condition and environment of its existence. The third chapter mainly discusses the concrete ideas of constructing the pretrial conference system of our country. The article starts with the necessity, feasibility and principle of constructing the pretrial conference system, and probes deeply into the construction of the pretrial conference system in our country. On this basis, the determination of the scope of application of the pre-court conference system, the clarity of the applicable subject, the mode and frequency of the pre-court meeting, the operation of the system and the effectiveness after the end of the system are discussed, and the specific design is adopted. Finally, in order to make the pre-court meeting system more effective, the article presents the system of the loss of right of defense, the system of the time limit of proof, which is related to the system. The judge's right of interpretation and the people's procuratorial supervision are improved and discussed. They cooperate with the pretrial meeting and interact with each other in the pretrial preparation procedure, thus forming a more perfect pretrial procedure.


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