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发布时间:2018-03-02 05:33

  本文关键词: 行政证明 行政确认 行政诉讼 国家赔偿 出处:《广西大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:行政证明行为是行政主体进行行政管理的重要方式之一。它本身是一种较为柔性行政行为,在政府进行服务管理的模式下发挥着独特积极作用。但由于我国历史传统,司法救济制度大多是以强制性行政行为为基础建立,与柔性行政行为之间存在磨合之处,同时由于行政证明的法律体系尚未系统构建完全,两者的相互作用就导致行政证明争议日渐增多却无法获得有效的司法救济的局面。因此,本文的探索路径是从司法实践的角度出发,对法学理论与制度规范进行探源,整合行政证明基础理论,最后再重返司法实践,本文最终目的是试图通过对我国行政证明司法救济制度进行梳理归纳,明确行政证明行为的本质属性,整理行政证明理论体系,为司法裁判与救济提供若干建议。本文分为五章: 第一章“行政证明争议案件凸显司法救济之困”。根据客观案例的真实记录和简要叙述,浅易归纳与揭示在现阶段行政诉讼过程中,行政证明行为在理论与实务方面存在的窘境。 第二章“行政证明司法救济制度之基础问题研究”。通过对行政证明行为性质阐释说明,认定行政证明是一种确认性行政行为。系统梳理与整合行政证明的构成要件、特征、法律属性基础问题。 第三章“行政证明之诉中被告的确定”。从行政主体履行法定职责依据来着手,结合实践中客观的案例,对行政诉讼被告资格标准进行确定。 第四章“行政证明之诉中裁判方式的选择”。从行政证明侵权行为过错责任的不同归属为区分,根据客观事实,在行政诉讼中作为选择判决方式的基础。 第五章“行政证明之诉中赔偿责任的承担”。有权利必有救济,由侵害必有赔偿。通过明确行政行为的法律责任,让行政相对人、利害关系人,获得有效的法律救济与损害赔偿,保障行政管理效率与民主原则价值的实现。
[Abstract]:Administrative proof is one of the important ways for administrative subject to carry out administrative management. It itself is a kind of more flexible administrative behavior, which plays a unique and positive role in the mode of government service management. However, due to the historical tradition of our country, Most of the judicial relief system is based on the compulsory administrative act, and there is a place between it and the flexible administrative act. At the same time, the legal system of the administrative proof has not been systematically constructed completely. The interaction of the two leads to the increasing controversy of administrative proof but the inability to obtain effective judicial remedy. Therefore, the exploration path of this paper is to explore the source of the legal theory and system norms from the angle of judicial practice. Integrating the basic theory of administrative proof, and finally returning to judicial practice, the final purpose of this paper is to make clear the essential attribute of administrative proof behavior and to sort out the theoretical system of administrative proof by combing and summarizing the judicial relief system of administrative certification in our country. This paper is divided into five chapters:. The first chapter, "Administrative proof dispute case highlights the difficulty of judicial relief". According to the real record and brief description of objective cases, it is easy to summarize and reveal in the current administrative litigation process. The dilemma of administrative proof behavior in theory and practice. The second chapter is "Research on the basic problem of the judicial relief system of administrative proof". By explaining the nature of administrative proof behavior, the author concludes that administrative proof is a kind of confirmed administrative act, and systematically combs and integrates the constituent elements and characteristics of administrative proof. The basic problem of legal attribute. The third chapter is "the determination of the defendant in the lawsuit of administrative proof". From the basis of performing the legal duty of the administrative subject and combining with the objective cases in practice, the author determines the qualification standard of the defendant in the administrative litigation. Chapter 4th, "the choice of judgment mode in administrative proof action", distinguishes from the different attribution of fault liability of administrative proof tort, according to the objective facts, as the basis of choosing judgment mode in administrative litigation. Chapter 5th, "the undertaking of compensation liability in the lawsuit of Administrative proof". There must be relief if there are rights, and there must be compensation from infringement. By clarifying the legal liability of administrative act, let the administrative counterpart, the interested person, To obtain effective legal remedy and compensation for damages, to guarantee the efficiency of administration and the realization of the value of democratic principles.


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