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发布时间:2018-03-02 07:43

  本文关键词: 涉诉信访 刑事涉诉信访 权利救济 法律信仰 司法权威 公平正义 出处:《河北大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:刑事司法领域出现的冤假错案严重破坏了法律权威及公众信任,这不禁让我们质疑,难道错误的司法裁决发生之后就没有相应的纠错救济机制予以保驾护航吗?答案显然不是。一方面,从诉讼法理的角度讲,错误判决的监督与纠正乃是刑事诉讼的重要价值,但是在“刑事涉诉信访”愈演愈烈的今天,我们清楚的看到在我国单纯的以二审终审制为核心的审级救济制度并不能很好的满足人们对公平正义的需求,,这使得我们必须正视刑事涉诉信访制度在我国刑事司法中扮演的重要角色。 随着我国冤假错案的频繁发生尤其是面对真凶发现或死者复活此类偶然性纠错,审级救济显现出其无奈和尴尬,作为非常救济程序的审判监督程序也承受着巨大的压力,甚至导致很大一部分司法错误的申诉救济潮涌向了非常规性的司法外救济机制——信访。刑事涉诉信访在我国司法不及的领域内保持有一定的救济力,其可以将公众追求的正义价值最大化,有效的保障公民的权利。因此,尽管刑事涉诉信访在世界上其他国家不存在,但在我国其有着深刻的历史原因和现实因素。虽然刑事涉诉信访制度作为一项重要的非诉讼救济机制在现代社会发挥着其独特的作用,但是刑事涉诉信访的权利救济功能具有其固有的缺陷,与司法救济相较不具有普适性,否则就可能影响到社会的稳定;并且刑事涉诉信访与法治相冲突,刑事涉诉信访救济在追求实体公正的同时破坏了程序正义,在追求人权保障,权利救济的同时扬人治抑法治。针对我国刑事涉诉信访所面临的这些困境,我希望通过“微调”方式,平衡人治与法治之间的冲突,在最大程度发挥刑事涉诉信访制度功效的前提下,尽量减少对法治的破坏。使刑事涉诉信访制度能走出困境,焕发新的生机与活力,并与刑事审级救济制度相辅相成互为裨益,让人民群众切实感受到公平正义就在身边。 在一个民众对法律缺乏敬畏的时代,在一个法律信仰尚未生成的国度,充分发挥刑事涉诉信访这种替代性制度的作用,无疑是合理的、进步的。
[Abstract]:The criminal justice field has seriously damaged the legal authority and public trust, which can not help us to ask: after the occurrence of the wrong judicial decision, there is no corresponding correction relief mechanism to escort it? The answer is obviously not. On the one hand, from the point of view of procedural law, the supervision and correction of erroneous judgments is an important value of criminal proceedings. We clearly see that in our country, the simple trial relief system with the second instance final appeal system as the core can not well meet the needs of people for fairness and justice. Therefore, we must face up to the important role of criminal complaint petition system in our criminal justice. With the frequent occurrence of false and false cases in our country, especially in the face of the accidental error correction such as the discovery of the true culprits or the resurrection of the dead, the trial relief shows its helplessness and embarrassment. As an extraordinary relief procedure, the trial supervision procedure is also under tremendous pressure. Even a large proportion of the complaints and remedies that have led to judicial errors have poured into the non-conventional extra-judicial relief mechanism-letters and visits. Criminal litigation petitions and visits have a certain relief power in areas where our country has not been able to administer justice. It can maximize the value of justice pursued by the public and effectively safeguard the rights of citizens. Therefore, although the criminal complaint petition does not exist in other countries of the world, However, it has profound historical reasons and realistic factors in our country. Although the system of criminal action, as an important non-litigation relief mechanism, plays its unique role in modern society, However, the right relief function of criminal complaint petition has its inherent defects, which is not universal compared with judicial remedy, otherwise it may affect the stability of the society, and the criminal complaint petition and the rule of law conflict. The remedy of criminal complaint petition undermines the procedural justice while pursuing substantive justice, while pursuing the protection of human rights and the relief of rights, at the same time promoting the rule of law by the people and suppressing the rule of law. I hope to balance the conflict between the rule of man and the rule of law by "fine-tuning", and to minimize the damage to the rule of law on the premise of maximizing the effectiveness of the criminal complaint petition system, and to make the criminal complaint petition system extricate itself from its predicament. Coruscating with new vigor and vigor, and complementary with the criminal trial relief system, let the people really feel that fairness and justice are around them. In an era when the public lacks awe of the law and in a country where legal beliefs have not yet been formed, it is undoubtedly reasonable and progressive to give full play to the role of the alternative system of criminal complaint petition.


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