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发布时间:2018-03-02 12:00

  本文选题:刑事庭前会议 切入点:运行困境 出处:《安徽大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:March 14th 2012, The Fifth session of the 11th National people's Congress deliberated and adopted the decision on the revision of the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China, which clearly stipulates the incorporation of the system of pre-trial meetings into the criminal procedure law. To the middle of the trial, Breaking the litigation process from prosecution to trial, it has become a bright spot after the promulgation of the new Criminal procedure Law, and has attracted the attention of the theoretical and practical circles. It is a criminal procedure system with Chinese characteristics. It also indicates the progress of procedural law in our country. It has gradually entered the track of science and specialization, which will improve the efficiency of litigation. Achieving the balance between prosecution and defense and procedural justice plays an indelible role. It has been unanimously affirmed in the theoretical circle, and some scholars have even made higher comments. It is pointed out that the construction of the pre-court conference system is a dazzling pearl in the whole reform of the trial procedure. Up to now, the pre-court conference system has been implemented for four years. The famous cases of Bo Xilai, Liu Zhijun and Li Tian have all held pre-court meetings. It has played an inestimable effect in speeding up the trial process, improving the efficiency of the trial, realizing procedural and substantive justice, and thus safeguarding the rights of the parties. However, due to the relatively short implementation, Compared with the perfect pre-trial meeting system in a country with sound laws, China is still in the stage of experience, and so far only Article 182 of the Criminal procedure Law has been adopted. The Supreme Court's interpretation of the Application of the Criminal procedure Law of the people's Republic of China 183 articles 184 have made simple and crude provisions on the system of pre-court meetings, with regard to the subject and content of the meetings. There are many deficiencies in the scope of application and the ultimate effectiveness and supervision mechanism, which lead to different practices in the process of implementation in various places, and the problems in judicial practice are prominent. Some places not only failed to achieve the original purpose, some even went against it. This paper includes four parts, mainly focusing on the difficulties of four aspects in the practice of the pre-court conference system. The first part describes the main issues of the pretrial conference system, mainly including the starting of the main body, the participation of the main body and the defendant's right to participate in three aspects of the problems, and then on the subject of the pre-court meeting in foreign countries to make an introduction. The second part mainly discusses the application of the pre-court meeting system, which is manifested in the low rate of application, the scope of application is not clear. The third part introduces the defects in the content of the pre-trial meeting, which mainly include three aspects: the operation of procedural issues is not clear, the handling of substantive issues is not clear, and the handling of evidence is not clear. Then introduce the relevant provisions of foreign countries on the question of evidence, and then put forward the settlement measures. Part 4th describes the effectiveness of the pre-court meeting system and its supervision mechanism, which is mainly manifested in that the effectiveness of the meeting is in a state to be determined. Lack of effective supervision mechanism, and put forward suggestions on this issue, clear the effectiveness of the conference, formulate a strict supervision mechanism, in order to better improve the system of pre-trial meetings in China, so as to prepare for the formal trial.


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