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发布时间:2018-03-03 03:21

  本文选题:行政裁量 切入点:介入边际 出处:《青岛大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Compared with the 1989 edition of the Administrative procedure Law of the people's Republic of China, the Administrative Litigation Law of the people's Republic of China, which was amended on 2014, has provided more abundant legal support for the judicial entry into the field of administrative discretion. This makes the influence of judicial intervention on administrative discretion further expanded. This paper compares the theory and practice of judicial intervention of administrative discretion between Anglo-American law system and civil law system, and makes an empirical analysis on the judicial intervention of administrative discretion in China. To clarify the judicial intervention margin of administrative discretion in China. To classify the practical problems of judicial intervention margin of administrative discretion in order to clarify the range and extent of judicial intervention to administrative discretion. Establish different review mechanism and measure mechanism. The executive power needs the restriction of the judicial power, while restricting the executive power, the judicial power should leave enough space for the judgment of the executive power itself. In order to realize this kind of state, In order to keep the restriction and balance between the judicial power and the administrative power, there is an urgent need for the clarity of the judicial intervention margin of the administrative discretion. Firstly, this paper begins with the concept and analyzes the limits and the degree of the judicial intervention of the administrative discretion. In 2014, the Administrative procedure Law of the people's Republic of China was amended to expand the scope of cases accepted in administrative proceedings. The most important change is that the content of Article 3 has been added to ensure the citizens' right to file administrative proceedings. Then, it is carried out from the judicial intervention margin of administrative discretion in Anglo-American law system and civil law system. A series of theoretical analyses. As early as when China's administrative and judicial organs were still one, The common law system and the civil law system already have a judicial review system of administrative discretion. Therefore, the study of their administrative review system can provide a good reference for the study of relevant systems in China. The next part is a series of analysis of the problems existing in the judicial intervention margin of the current administrative discretion in China. I hope to be able to better establish the judicial intervention margin of administrative discretion suitable for the current situation in China by finding some problems. Finally, it is the solution to the existing problems in China. And the establishment of appropriate administrative discretion of judicial intervention margin.


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