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发布时间:2018-03-03 04:12

  本文选题:伦理 切入点:证人作证 出处:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:作为四大文明古国之一,中华民族历来对伦理道德观念格外重视。它作为一种柔性规则对家庭和睦、社会和谐产生了极其重要的影响。经过数千年的沉淀,伦理道德观念已经深入人心,成为人们价值观的重要组成部分。为了法律更好地被人们自发地认可和遵守,适当地以伦理价值引导法律不失为一种好方法。 国外以及我国港、澳、台地区的刑事诉讼法中都对证人免证权作了详细的规定。明确了与犯罪嫌疑人有亲属关系、特定职业关系的人有免于作证的权利。我国现行刑诉法中还没有证人免证权的有关规定。为了更好地保障人权,维系家庭、社会的稳定和谐,构建证人免证制度是明智之举。本文第一章从伦理对法律的作用入手,证明了伦理观引导刑事诉讼的必要性。第二章阐明了证人免证制度的伦理价值,为后面本文论点的提出——以伦理价值为指导构建符合我国国情的证人免证制度做了铺垫。第三章主要叙述了国外及我国港、澳、台地区的证人免证制度。第四章在前三章的基础上,予以归纳和总结,提出了构建我国证人免证制度的具体构想和理由,以期进一步完善我国的刑事诉讼程序,,推动刑事诉讼的进程。
[Abstract]:As one of the four ancient civilizations, the Chinese nation has always attached great importance to ethics and morality. As a flexible rule, it has had an extremely important impact on family harmony and social harmony. Ethics and morality have been deeply rooted in people's hearts and become an important part of people's values. In order to be recognized and obeyed by people spontaneously, it is a good way to properly guide the law with ethical value. The criminal procedure laws of foreign countries, as well as Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, have made detailed provisions on the right of witnesses to be exempted from evidence, and have made it clear that they have relatives with criminal suspects. People with specific professional relationships have the right not to testify. There are no relevant provisions on the right of witnesses to be exempted from testifying in our current criminal procedure law. In order to better protect human rights, maintain family and social stability and harmony, It is a wise move to construct the witness exemption system. The first chapter proves the necessity of the ethics to guide the criminal procedure from the function of ethics to the law. The second chapter expounds the ethical value of the witness exemption system. It paves the way for the proposition of the latter thesis-to construct the witness exemption system in accordance with the national conditions of our country under the guidance of ethical value. Chapter three mainly describes the foreign countries and China's Hong Kong, Macao, Macao, China, China, Hong Kong, Macao, China, Hong Kong, Macao. Chapter 4th, on the basis of the first three chapters, summarizes and summarizes the system of witness exemption in Taiwan, and puts forward the concrete ideas and reasons for constructing the system of exemption of witnesses in China, with a view to further perfecting the criminal procedure of our country. To promote the process of criminal proceedings.


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