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发布时间:2018-03-03 05:13

  本文选题:非法证据排除规则 切入点:贪贿犯罪 出处:《湖南师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:非法证据排除规则是刑事诉讼中一项重要的证据规则,无论是在学术上还是实践中都受到越来越多关注。虽然目前我国对非法证据排除规则的理论研究已经颇为丰富,但是关于非法证据排除规则的实证研究仍然十分有限,而加强对非法证据排除规则的实证研究对促进相关理论研究的进步与发展有十分重要的意义。相对于公安机关侦查的普通刑事案件,检察机关自行侦查的贪贿职务犯罪案件对言词证据的依赖性更大,也更容易发生刑讯逼供等非法取证现象,因此对检察机关自行侦查的贪贿职务犯罪案件进行实证研究更加具有代表性。同时,对非法证据排除规则在贪贿案件中的适用进行实证研究,不仅能够寻求惩治贪腐犯罪与保障人权的平衡点,而且对非法证据排除规则整体体系的完善有所裨益。 本文采用问卷调查、个案研究、比较研究等方法,从非法证据排除规则的概念、发展历史、法理价值以及美英德日等英美法系与大陆法系国家的不同发展模式对比等基础理论入手,考察并归纳非法证据排除规则在我国贪贿案件适用中的不良司法现状,如:强制行为由硬暴力转化为软暴力,威胁、引诱、欺骗取证与侦查策略难于界分,非法查封扣押的实物证据易被宽容,毒树之果不被排除,非法限制律师权利,纪检院联合办案模式被滥用,同步录音录像规则被虚置,侦查人员出庭说明情况的规定落空等,最后从完善非法证据认定规则、保障辩护律师权利、完善调查收集和审查判断证据方式、完善非法证据排除规则配套措施、完善非法取证后果责任等五个方面就完善非法证据排除规则在我国贪贿案件中的适用提出相关完善建议与设想。
[Abstract]:The rule of exclusion of illegal evidence is an important rule of evidence in criminal proceedings, which has attracted more and more attention in both academic and practical fields. However, empirical research on exclusionary rules of illegal evidence is still very limited. It is of great significance to strengthen the empirical research on the exclusionary rules of illegal evidence to promote the progress and development of the relevant theoretical research, as compared with the ordinary criminal cases investigated by the public security organs, The cases of corruption and official bribery crimes investigated by procuratorial organs on their own are more dependent on verbal evidence, and they are also more prone to illegal evidence gathering, such as extorting confessions by torture. Therefore, it is more representative to do empirical research on the crime cases of bribery and duty investigated by the procuratorial organs themselves. At the same time, the empirical study on the application of the rule of exclusion of illegal evidence in bribery cases is carried out. It can not only seek the balance point between punishing corruption crime and protecting human rights, but also benefit the improvement of the whole system of illegal evidence exclusion rules. This paper uses the methods of questionnaire, case study, comparative study, and so on, from the illegal evidence exclusion rule concept, development history, Starting with the value of legal theory and the comparison of different development models between Anglo-American law system, Anglo-American law system, Germany and Japan, and civil law system countries, this paper investigates and sums up the bad judicial situation of the exclusion rule of illegal evidence in the application of bribery cases in our country. For example, the forced acts are changed from hard violence to soft violence, threats, inducements, deceptive evidence collection and investigative tactics are difficult to be separated, the physical evidence illegally sealed and seized is easy to be tolerated, the fruit of poison trees is not excluded, and the rights of lawyers are illegally restricted. The pattern of joint handling of cases by the discipline Inspection Institute has been abused, the rules of simultaneous audio and video recording have been fictitious, the provisions of the investigators appearing in court to explain the situation have fallen through, and finally, from perfecting the rules on the identification of illegal evidence to protect the rights of defense lawyers, Improve the investigation, collection, examination and judgment of evidence, improve the illegal evidence exclusion rules supporting measures, The author puts forward some suggestions and suggestions on how to perfect the application of illegal evidence exclusion rules in bribery cases in China.


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