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发布时间:2018-03-03 15:36

  本文选题:恶意诉讼 切入点:实体法规制 出处:《南昌大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:2012年度,引起人们关注和热议的事件就是对《民事诉讼法》的修改,此次修改增加了诚实信用原则、公益诉讼、第三人撤销之诉和民事恶意诉讼等一些新规定。其中最引人注目的则是对民事恶意诉讼的规定,近些年来,随着民事恶意诉讼的频繁发生,严重损害了当事人的合法权益以及国家司法权威,因此,有必要对它进行法律规制。在我国,民事恶意诉讼的频发,与我国相关的法律制度不健全,社会公众诚信的缺失,以及司法人员的腐败等众多因素密不可分。本文认为,只有通过不断完善相关的法律制度,,例如,建立赔偿制度、增设刑法罪名、建立第三人权利救济程序等,并逐步建立全社会的诚信体系,才能使民事恶意诉讼得到有效的规制。 本文分四部分,第一部分是对民事恶意诉讼的概述,通过司法实践中的案例引出民事恶意诉讼的概念,然后进一步分析民事恶意诉讼的构成要件,阐述中、外法律对民事恶意诉讼的规定,并将民事恶意诉讼与虚假诉讼、诉讼欺诈、滥用诉权等相关概念进行比较;第二部分从法律制度和社会因素两方面出发对民事恶意诉讼的产生原因进行了分析;第三部分是从实体法上对民事恶意诉讼进行规制,例如,通过构成特殊侵权责任,建立相应的赔偿制度,是否将其入刑等;第四部分是从程序法上对民事恶意诉讼进行规制,例如,通过规范诉讼行为,完善案外第三人利益保护度和完善诉讼监督机制。
[Abstract]:In 2012, the event that attracted people's attention and heated discussion was the amendment to the Civil procedure Law, which added the principle of good faith and public interest litigation. Some new provisions, such as revocation of action by the third party and malicious civil litigation, are the most striking of which are the provisions on civil malicious litigation. In recent years, with the frequent occurrence of civil malicious litigation, The legal rights and interests of the parties and the judicial authority of the state have been seriously damaged. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate it legally. In our country, the frequent occurrence of civil malicious litigation, the imperfect legal system related to our country, and the lack of public good faith in the society. As well as the corruption of judicial personnel and many other factors are inseparable. This paper believes that only through the continuous improvement of the relevant legal system, for example, the establishment of compensation system, the establishment of criminal charges, the establishment of third party rights relief procedures, etc. And gradually establish the integrity system of the whole society, so that civil malicious litigation can be effectively regulated. This article is divided into four parts, the first part is a summary of the civil malicious litigation, through the judicial practice of cases to lead to the concept of civil malicious litigation, and then further analysis of the elements of civil malicious litigation, elaborated in, Foreign laws on the provisions of civil malicious litigation, and civil malicious litigation and false litigation, litigation fraud, abuse of the right of action and other related concepts are compared; The second part analyzes the causes of malicious civil litigation from the two aspects of legal system and social factors. The third part is to regulate the malicious civil litigation from the substantive law, for example, through the formation of special tort liability. The 4th part is to regulate the malicious civil litigation from the procedural law, for example, by standardizing the litigation behavior, perfecting the protection degree of the interests of the third party outside the case and perfecting the lawsuit supervision mechanism.


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